Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

With The Elder Scrolls Online High Isle preview, we take a closer look at the changes and innovations that will come to the game.

It has been 8 years since The Elder Scrolls Online was first published, and it is still on its way at full speed. With the High Isle add-on that will be released this year, we will dive into the world of the Breton race, which has not been emphasized much before, and we will have the chance to defeat our opponents at the table with the brand new card game. Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview We had the opportunity to watch the live presentation by ESO Creative Director Rich Lambert and ask questions about the upcoming High Isle package by attending the special event organized by ZeniMax for In this article, we bring together what we will encounter in the High Isle package and the answers to our various questions.

A Brighter and More Colorful Realm

The High Isle, where The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle expansion will take place, is a region that has been mentioned but never seen before in the very old spin-off Redguard. Located in High Rock, controlled by Daggerfall Covenant, High Island has never been seen before, giving developers a great deal of freedom.

After Blackwood’s darker and more gloomy maps, the High Isle will feel like you’re on vacation. Medieval and Mediterranean cities were taken into consideration while designing the High Isle, which hosts Breton culture and architecture. The High Isle will feature three different regions, each with their own unique beauty and danger. In addition to the woodlands and rainforests, we will also have the opportunity to experience the regions where the Breton nobility vacationed.

The Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

Acknowledging that previous developments were a bit more nostalgic, the developers say they want to move into areas that are new not just to ESO, but to the entire Elder Scrolls world. This time, we are faced with a situation that seems to be on a smaller scale, not with large-scale events that will bring the end of the world. The ongoing Three Banners War and the peace talks to end this war, a separatist group trying to prevent these talks are waiting for us.

It seems that we will not fight against pure evil in the High Isles, where political events will be intense, but witness conflicts of interest and have to make decisions that wander in gray areas.

The stories and regions, which will last for close to 30 hours, are not the only innovations that come with High Isles. Two new names join the companion characters who help our character throughout his adventure. Companions named Ember and Isobelle are crafted based on player feedback about previous companions.

Ember, a street-raised Khajiit with a striking propensity for magic, and Isobelle, a Breton knight, will now be among the companions we can choose to accompany us on our adventures.

The Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

Along with High Isles, the pirate-themed 12-player Dreadsail Reef Trial is also added to the game. Lastly, another innovation added to the game is the new card game called Tales of Tribute.

Redistribution of Cards

If the new regions, events and companions announced for the High Isle (even though there is one Khajiit) are not enough for you, let’s talk about the mini card game Tales of Tribute, which is based on creating new decks and defeating opponents with these decks.

According to Lambart, the first time in 2008 was “What do Tamriel adventurers do in their spare time?” the question has been posed. After all, the day does not end by sitting in an inn and eating and drinking all day, you also need to play games from time to time. Tales of Tribute, which emerged as a result of these thoughts, will have both a PvE mode with its own story flow and a PvP mode where we can fight against other players in grades. In the game, where we can have 8 different decks of 20 cards on average, most of which have their own mechanics, we will obtain the first 4 decks at the end of the training missions.

The Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

There will be no need to spend any extra for the Tales of Tribute mode, which is also said to be possible to improve some cards. We will not need to go to the store in any way to obtain the decks and cards available in the game. This means that by spending money in the game, it will not be possible to get stronger and gain an advantage against other players.

The Tales of Tribute minigame will be playable almost anywhere. Of course, it is not possible to play on the battlefields or in the dungeons, after all, we do not want to leave our teammates in the middle while playing cards. Besides having fun playing Tales of Tribute, we also have the chance to challenge NPC characters and win special gifts such as furniture and transmute stones.

Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview

That’s all for now in our The Elder Scrolls Online High Isles preview content. The new Chapter, High Isles, which will be released for The Elder Scrolls Online, will be released on PC, Mac and Stadia platforms on June 6th. The console version will be released on June 21, without delay.
