Here, SVT’s reporter gets to participate in the robot’s cancer operation in Luleå

Most regions in the country have long had the help of an operating robot. Now it has come to Luleå and Sunderbyn hospitals. Chief physician Jonatan Palmgren is happy that more patients can be treated close to home.

– It’s a fantastic help that allows the patient to go home the same day as the operation, and it’s unique, he.


Part of the SEK 25 million investment in the robot is to be competitive against other regions and to attract personnel to Norrbotten. The robot performs more than just prostate cancer surgery. But next year, Jonatan Palmgren believes that it will be able to perform 60-80 operations on the prostate.

– It is a huge step for us. We can continue to develop our surgical specialties, so that we can provide the people of Norrbotten with high-quality healthcare, says Palmgren.
