Need a helping hand to finance your car, scooter, motorcycle or electric bike? In certain departments, the amounts of this loan are particularly attractive.
Did you know that your Family Allowance Fund (CAF) can help you finance your vehicle? This little-known aid allows in certain cases to obtain up to 5,000 euros for a purchase or repairs, provided that certain criteria are met. In fact, this aid is not universal and depends on the social action policy of each department. Their goal? Promote the mobility of beneficiaries, often essential to access a job, follow training or even ensure family travel.
Therefore, to benefit from this service, you must either be in professional integration or continued employment and prove that the use of the vehicle is essential for your activity (employment contract, registration with Pôle Emploi, paid training), or justify of a birth, adoption or separation in the last six months. The aid is therefore intended for families with limited resources, but engaged in a process of autonomy or reintegration.
Two types of benefits can then be granted to you. This could be the purchase of a vehicle. In most departments, we are talking about an interest-free loan of up to 2,000 euros for a car and 1,000 euros for a two-wheeler, including electric bikes. However, the maximum amount can reach 5,000 euros, depending on the organization, repayable over 60 months at most. The duration of the loan is determined according to the amount borrowed and the repayment capacity of each borrower. This aid can also be allocated for mechanical repairs. For example, if you already own a car, but it needs repairs, you can get up to 800 euros depending on most departments. The amounts are paid directly to the mechanic or seller, after validation of your file, this is the mobility loan.
In certain departments, such as Oise, only Crit’Air 1 to 3 or electric vehicles are eligible, in order to promote less polluting means of transport. However, if you have this type of vehicle and can use public transport whose times are compatible with your working hours, be aware that you will not be entitled to this assistance. In Cantal, for example, specific aid makes it possible to finance rental, transport or repair costs via solidarity garages. The latter offer services at reduced prices, facilitating access to mobility. In Doubs, benefit families with a Family Quotient less than or equal to 900 euros will be able to request this aid and it can go up to 5,000 euros, without interest and repayable at a rate of 15 euros per month up to 360 euros . In any case, if the amounts and conditions differ, the purpose remains the same: to encourage recipients to travel to work or provide for their family’s needs.