A vigil planned for Saturday afternoon for Gurasis Singh, the Lambton College international student police say was stabbed to death by a 36-year-old man who lived in a shared rental house with him, has been postponed.
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The candlelight event was initially scheduled to take place from 3 pm to 5 pm at the intersection of Murphy and London roads, an official with the Sarnia Sikh Society said Thursday. But the organization issued an update Friday night saying the gathering was being postponed as they waited for updates from the court regarding Singh’s tragic and senseless loss.
“As a community, we share in the pain and frustration, but the Sarnia Sikh Society firmly believes in the strength and fairness of our judicial system. We remain hopeful that the court will deliver justice for Gurasis,” a statement from president Rajpal Singh Kalsi said.
Crossley Hunter, the 36-year-old Sarnia man charged with second-degree murder, briefly appeared in court Friday by video link from the Sarnia Jail. His case was adjourned to next Friday. That will mark this fourth appearance since his Dec. 1 arrest.
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The Sarnia Sikh Society added they will announce a new date for Singh’s vigil once they have more clarity from the court proceedings.
“During this time, we urge everyone to remain calm and patient as we allow the legal process to unfold. Let us channel our emotions into solidarity and continue to stand united as a community in Gurasis’ memory,” the statement said.
Mani Kalsi, another leader with the Sarnia Sikh Society, said a group of Lambton College’s international students were so upset Dec. 2, the day after Singh was found dead inside 194 Queen St. following an altercation in the kitchen police say was not racially motivated, they were considering protesting. But she called them instead to gather at the Sycamore Drive temple, pray for Singh’s soul, and together they came up with a new plan to host a vigil.
Mani Kalsi also said she talked last week to the mother of the 22-year-old first-year business student, who was so upset she had a hard time communicating with her. But the woman did manage to say her son’s soul will not rest in peace until he gets justice.
“So that’s what we are fighting for,” Mani Kalsi said.
In addition to the vigil, Kalsi said they’re raising funds for Singh’s family. HAS GoFundMe page has been launched by Singh’s cousin to assist.
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