Cold weather increases the risk: If you have these symptoms, do not waste time! It is vital

1733559614 Cold weather increases the risk If you have these symptoms

Assoc. Prof. from the Department of Cardiology, Surgical Medical Center. Dr. Semra Topçu emphasized that heart health should be taken into consideration during the winter months and said that cold weather can pose serious risks, especially for heart patients. Making statements about the effects of cold weather on the cardiovascular system, Assoc. Dr. Topçu said, “Winter is a critical period for heart health. Cold weather causes the body to constrict blood vessels to prevent heat loss. This can increase blood pressure and cause the heart to work harder. “Especially in people with coronary artery disease, this may increase the risk of heart attack,” he said.


Stating that people in the risk group should be more careful during the winter months, Topçu said, “Those with a history of heart disease, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and our citizens over the age of 65 should take care to protect themselves from the effects of both cold weather conditions and infections such as flu and pneumonia during the winter months.” . Flu and pneumonia vaccines are of great importance at this point. “These vaccines help prevent the negative effects of infections on the heart,” he said.



Pointing out the importance of lifestyle adjustments to protect heart health during the winter months, Topçu said, “During activities outdoors in cold weather, one should be dressed appropriately and body temperature should be maintained. Especially accessories such as gloves, scarf and hat should not be neglected. It is also very important not to remain inactive. Although weather conditions make outdoor exercise difficult, regular exercise in indoor and warm areas supports heart health. Additionally, a healthy and balanced nutrition plan should be created. “Consumption of vegetables and fruits should be increased, and processed foods with high salt content should be limited as much as possible,” he said.


heart attack, fainting, fainting

Stating that stress management should not be neglected in the winter season, Topçu said, “Stress is one of the biggest triggers of heart diseases. Increasing work pace, bad weather conditions and difficulties of daily life during winter months can expose people to more stress. “For this reason, relaxation techniques can be applied and relaxing activities such as taking up hobbies can be planned to protect both mental and physical health,” he said.



Assoc. Prof. made important warnings that cold weather could trigger a heart attack. Dr. Topçu said, “Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations or feeling faint may be a sign of a heart attack. When faced with such situations, it is vital to consult a healthcare institution without wasting time. Small precautions to protect heart health during the winter months can make a big difference. Heart health is one of the most important elements of quality of life. Therefore, for a healthy life, you must first protect your heart health. “During the winter months, you can minimize the risks by taking more care of your heart,” he said.

