What is tapeworm and why does it happen? How is tapeworm treated?

While tapeworm infections can be treated with anti-parasitic medications, treatment for larval cyst infections usually requires medications and sometimes surgery.

While tapeworms found in the intestines usually cause mild symptoms such as abdominal pain, complaints such as diarrhea may be observed in more advanced cases.

What is tapeworm?

Tapeworm is a type of flatworm that lives as a parasite in the intestines of humans and animals. This parasite, which is usually transmitted by consuming raw or undercooked meat, can grow into a long strip in the digestive tract. The most common types in humans are beef tapeworm and pork tapeworm.

Tapeworm infection can manifest itself with symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss and sometimes intestinal obstruction. However, in some cases there may be no obvious symptoms. Tapeworm eggs or larvae enter the human body through contaminated food, water or unhygienic conditions. Treatment is usually done with antiparasitic drugs and the risk of infection can be reduced by paying attention to hygiene rules.

What causes tapeworm?

tapeworm It usually occurs as a result of consuming raw or undercooked meat, drinking dirty water or not paying attention to hygiene rules. The main causes of infection are:

  • Consumption of raw or undercooked meat
  • lack of hygiene
  • dirty water
  • Food preparation in poor hygienic conditions

To prevent infection, it is important to cook meat thoroughly, pay attention to hygiene rules and consume clean water.

Tapeworm symptoms

Tapeworm infection may sometimes not show obvious symptoms. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and loss of appetite. Some people may experience digestive problems such as weight loss and diarrhea. As the infection progresses, itching may occur as a result of cysts or egg shedding, which can cause obstruction in the intestines. Sometimes, as the parasite progresses in the body, pain, swelling or muscle cramps may occur in the surrounding tissues. These symptoms may vary depending on the type of tapeworm and the extent of spread of the infection.

How is tapeworm treated?

tapeworm treatment It is usually done with antiparasitic drugs and is very effective in clearing the infection. The doctor prescribes an appropriate medication depending on the type of tapeworm and the severity of the infection. During treatment, an appropriate diet or laxatives may be recommended to completely cleanse the intestine.

In rarer cases, surgical intervention may be required, especially if the larvae have spread to other organs. Regular follow-up after treatment is important to ensure that the infection is completely gone. In addition, the risk of re-infection can be minimized by paying attention to hygiene rules.
