Blizzard conducts surveys for crypto and NFT winning games

Blizzard conducts surveys for crypto and NFT winning games

In addition to Square Enix, which makes statements about games that make money with Blockchain and Metaverse, Blizzard also stands out.

With the value course of Bitcoin in the past years, it has created a great interest in Crypto and its derivatives. With the subsequent Metaverse breakthrough of Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the usage areas of Crypto and Blockchain have expanded considerably. This situation opened the door to “play to earn” games in English. As noticed in Overwatch, Blizzard is conducting voluntary surveys of its players on the Metaverse and Crypto and NFT winning games.

Why is Blizzard turning to Crypto and NFT?

It is possible to come across such games today, which means “play to win” in Turkish. However, it is not possible to see the productions of game companies that come up with big-budget games yet. This market gap seems like a huge opportunity for companies aiming for profit, given the changing technology and especially the earnings opportunities provided by the internet and crypto assets. Statements from Square Enix on this subject may trigger other companies to voice their opinions in the coming days or weeks.

It is possible to hear criticism from Blizzard desks, which have started market research. Jorge Murillo, senior designer at Blizzard, tweeted in January, “As someone who works on Overwatch, I have to say that I am absolutely against NFTs and will do everything in my power to ensure that similar technologies are not added to our games.” shaped had declared. In a report from the Game Developers Conference, 21% of 2700 game developers expressed some interest, while 7% said they were very interested. Only 1% said they had work.
