The question of Emma as the Bachelorette-William refuses to answer

The question of Emma as the Bachelorette William refuses to answer

It was 2024 that Sonja Livbom became famous overnight when she stepped into this year’s Bachelorette. Over the course of a few weeks, Sonja would date 18 different guys to find the right one.

It was an eventful season with many headlines. Among other things, after some of the guys expressed themselves sexist and, among other things, commented on the breasts of a girl in the production.

But one by one the guys were sent home to Sweden and in the middle of the season a new guy stepped in – namely William Palm Leaf which caused Sonja to fall flat on her face.

The scenes from Bachelor 2024. Image source: TV4

Once home in Sweden, the couple moved in together and began their life together. But after only a few months of the relationship becoming public, the profiles came out and said that they chose to split up. The reason behind the breakup sounded somewhat different when they gave their explanations.

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Sonja Livbom told what happened when she guested on Söndagsångest with Malin Nordlander. Image source: Youtube

– Nothing has happened and we haven’t argued…. but we got to a point where we felt that…. it’s probably better that we choose this path…. so we don’t have to argue and then started to hate each other. So we did this at exactly the right time, Sonja said in an interview.

READ MORE: Bachelorette-Sonja: “That’s why my lips look the way they do”

– We want different things and have different values ​​… we have different needs and are… yes, but very different. So we did best to go our separate ways, William said.

William Palmblad finds love in the TV profile

In an interview with Sonja Livbom could she reveal to Nyheter24 that she is still single but that she dated a few during the summer.

William on the other hand, he has fallen head over heels for the Bachelor contestant Emma Holmberg23. Emma was, believe it or not, on The Bachelor 2024 and even got the final rose from Rasmus Allard31.

But during the “What happened next” episode that the profiles were no longer a couple. Today, Rasmus has a child with Hanna Bilén, which became a bit of a talking point when Hanna revealed her pregnancy before Rasmus’ Bachelor season aired.

But for Emma, ​​as I said, it also went very well as she is today with William.

Emma Holmblad. Image source: TV4 The couple posted the same image on their respective Instagrams. Image source: williampalmblad/InstagramThe question Bachelor-William does not want to answer

There is no doubt that William Palmblad and Emma Holmberg look in love. But it seems to be a question that William does not know how to answer.

READ MORE: Bachelorette 2024: This is SADLY how the show will end

When Nyheter24 contacted William to ask how he and Emma met, William chose not to answer the question despite having read the message. When Nyheter24 searched for him again, he again saw the question but chose not to answer.

More Bachelor profiles that found each other are Valentin Kronlund and Marion Sundquist. Valentin, like William, was in the season where both guys dated Sonja. Valentin got the penultimate rose.

Marion Sundquist was in the same season of Bachelor as Emma Holmberg.
