It will be a weekend with a lot of skating for Alvar Myhlback – it changes his feeling. See how he reasons about it in the player above.
Alvar Myhlback, 18, made his World Cup debut last year, but then in the extended Swedish starting field in Falun.
In this weekend’s competitions in Lillehammer, he gets to compete in the World Cup abroad for the first time.
“Especially because it’s the World Cup”
– It’s a bit special that it’s the World Cup, but I mostly try to ignore that. It’s a mixture of being a bit edgy and stubborn as well. I like new things.
In the Swedish premiere in Bruksvallarna two weeks ago, Myhlback came fifth in 10 kilometers in freestyle, and then told how hard he thinks it is to skate. Today, just that distance awaits.
– Haha. It’s still just as hard and we’re going to skate a lot this weekend, it could be a hard weekend…
Myhlback has competed a lot in long runs in Ski Classics, where it is a different type of skiing with a lot of staking.
– You can get tired of classical, of course, but when you get tired of skating, damn it, you get tired, he says.
Skiathlon something new
On Sunday, a 20 kilometer skiathlon awaits (10 kilometers classic and 10 kilometers freestyle) – a distance the Swede has no major experience with. He only comes from one race he has done – on roller skis.
– In theory, it’s a very fun race, something I myself love to watch others drive. But I don’t know what to expect because I’m far from an experienced skiathlete. But in the end, if you are strong, you are strong. Of course, it helps with a good change of skis and that you are far ahead in the pack. But in the end I have to be strong and have a good day.