Tax bill, definitive green light from the Chamber: it’s law

Labor bill approved by the Chamber controversy over automatic resignations

(Finance) – The Chamber of Deputies definitively approved the tax decree linked to maneuver. There were 151 votes in favour, 111 against and 4 abstentions.

The measure included the reopening of the December 12th of the terms for adhering to the tax agreement and the expansion of the number of beneficiaries of the Christmas bonus Of 100 euros (with the exclusion of the dependent spouse requirement). Also ok to postpone the payment of the second to January 2025 Irpef advance of November, with the possibility of paying in installments. Green light for the regional rebalancing of the pharmaceutical payback and the increase of 4.7 billion euros in the allocation for the tax credit on Transition 4.0 investments.

The green light is also given to the interventions envisaged in the original text of the decree, including refinancing of RFI, Anas and civil service, increase in resources to meet the requests of the 2024 Social Ape and for major events (such as the Jubilee).

For this year the roof of the party financing with the resources that come from the voluntary allocation of two per thousand of the Irpef, it is increased overall by 4.691 million, bringing the dowry for the parties to 29.79 million.

As for the payback pharmaceuticalthe law provides that in the definition of the shares due to the Regions by the companies theAifa takes into account not only the principle of the number of inhabitants but also the amount of overflow.

New resources of 4.69 billion are expected for the tax credit Transition 4.0. Coverage is guaranteed by the resources of “Earmarked assets”. Furthermore, new resources have been allocated, up to 3.7 million for 2024, to compensate companies in Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto, which have suffered damage from the emergency crab blue.
