Emmanuel Macron promised this Thursday, December 5 to appoint “in the coming days” a Prime Minister responsible for forming a “tight” and “general interest” government, after censorship born according to him from the “irresponsibility” of a “anti-republican front”. This future head of government, “I will charge him with forming a government of general interest representing all the political forces of an arc of government which can participate in it or, at the very least, which undertakes not to censor it” , explained the President of the Republic in a speech to the French delivered the day after the overthrow of Michel Barnier’s government.
An outgoing Prime Minister thanked for his “pugnacity” and his “dedication”, but victim according to the Head of State of an “anti-republican front”, within which “the extreme right and the extreme left have united.” The future government will have a “priority”: the budget. And if a new budget will have to be presented at “the very beginning of next year”, the president affirmed that a “special law will be tabled before mid-December in Parliament”, a text which will allow “the continuity of public services and of the life of the country. It will apply the choices of 2024 for 2025, he added. Several opposition groups have already promised to vote for this text.
In reaction to the censorship, the President of the Republic assured that he “will never assume the irresponsibility of others, and in particular of parliamentarians who consciously chose to bring down the budget and the government of France within a few days Christmas celebrations. The latter chose “disorder”, regretted the President of the Republic, castigating the “sense of chaos” of those who “only think about one thing, the presidential election, to prepare it, to provoke it, to rush it.”
A resignation ruled out
The president thus repeated his intention to complete his mandate “until its end” in 2027, while a growing number of political leaders are talking about his resignation. Without going into detail about the next government’s program, Emmanuel Macron nevertheless asked for a “clear course” for “30 months of useful actions for the country”, outlining a road map, estimating for example that “the future” will not would not go through “more taxes, more standards or with some laxity in the face of drug trafficking”.
He also recognized that his decision to dissolve the National Assembly in June had “not been understood”, assuming “his responsibility”. “Many have blamed me for this decision and I know, many continue to blame me. It’s a fact and it’s my responsibility,” he said.