a third of LFI activists will vote for Emmanuel Macron in the 2nd round

a third of LFI activists will vote for Emmanuel Macron

In France, one week before the first round of the presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s activists have spoken about their voting intentions. Arrived third last Sunday with a score of 22%, the candidate of the Insoumis had asked his supporters to express their choice. 2/3 of them say they do not vote for Emmanuel Macron.

Only 1/3 of the supporters of Jean-Luc Melenchon will put an Emmanuel Macron bulletin in the ballot box next Sunday.

This consultation only reflects the choice of the Insoumis militants and therefore does not reflect the position of the entire electorate of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But it allows you to take the temperature of its first supporters, analyzes Anthony Latier, political service.

Read also : Will Jean-Luc Mélenchon be able to capitalize on his score in the first round of the presidential election?

They are 215,000 to have expressed themselves on the internet and 33% therefore make the choice of the president-candidate, 37% that of the blank or null vote and 28% that of the abstention… The results were more or less similar during of the last presidential election of 2017.

The militants did not have the possibility of choosing Marine Le Pen: Jean-Luc Mélenchon had hammered it last Sunday evening: not a voice must go to the candidate for the extreme right. But the leader of La France insoumise will not go any further and does not call for a vote for Emmanuel Macron.

No instructions to anyone…

Even if the Insoumise Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI parliamentary group, specifies it this morning in the press : between Macron and Le Pen, the dangers are not “ of the same nature “. She hopes that voters will not be mistaken about the “social imposture” of Marine Le Pen’s candidacy. ” In addition to the social abuse of Emmanuel Macron’s politics, it would add racist and anti-Muslim hatred », adds Mathilde Panot, who concludes « It’s up to Macron to convince. »
