Towards a “non-censorship” agreement? This hypothesis which resurfaces after the fall of Michel Barnier – L’Express

Towards a non censorship agreement This hypothesis which resurfaces after the

After the painful experience of the Barnier government, which the RN decided to overthrow after placing it under “surveillance”, political leaders from the central bloc and the left are considering the installation of a government escaping the supervision of the Barnier government. far right thanks to a “non-censorship agreement”. But the scope and content of this agreement diverge for both, making its realization very uncertain.

The hypothesis was put on the table by former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a meeting with journalists on Tuesday. The president of the main Macronist group in the Assembly spoke of “a form of non-censorship agreement” going from LR to the PS, which allows the government to no longer be “hostage” of the RN. This government, whose composition would be “negotiated with the different groups”, and where everyone would be represented, would be intended to implement “three or four programmatic points maximum, which are not major upheavals, which allow a government to hold without be overturned perhaps until the summer”, detailed Gabriel Attal.

READ ALSO: Michel Barnier overthrown: what you didn’t see in the Assembly

In the hemicycle, during the examination session of the motions of censure against Michel Barnier, Gabriel Attal clearly extended his hand to the socialists, inviting them to “pull themselves together”. “Free yourself” from the “extreme left”, he told them, castigating “the camp of disorder of the Lepenists and Mélenchonists”. The deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, a determined architect of the Republican front between the two rounds of the legislative elections, believes he has detected an evolution in the position of the Socialists since this summer, believing them to be more inclined to break away from the other forces of the New Popular Front, LFI in the lead.

A former Macronist minister also believes that “the beam works on the left”. He imagines a “short-term coalition pact” including the PS, of around six months with “a limited number of objects” until a possible dissolution. MP Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade (Renaissance) hoped, after Michel Barnier’s censorship, that the “republican front” of July would find “a continuation, an echo in the Assembly”.

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“Gabriel Attal dreams standing up”

The leader of the socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud, said last week that he wanted to propose to all parties, with the exception of the RN, “to raise the question of the conditions for non-censorship” if the Barnier government were to be overthrown . In his speech to the Assembly, he again mentioned a “non-censorship agreement” between the Republican forces, which allows the Macronists to break with a “government in collusion with the extreme right”.

A source within the socialist group, however, highlights the divergences between the vision of Gabriel Attal and that of the socialists. What the PS is proposing is “a left-wing government, with a left-wing Prime Minister, who pursues left-wing policies, and who negotiates text by text with the central bloc in a non-censorship agreement.” […] It is not at all a grand coalition or a government of national unity” as Gabriel Attal suggests, details this source. “Gabriel Attal is dreaming,” sweeps away a PS executive.

During a press conference, environmentalists for their part proposed on Wednesday a programmatic “road map” around eleven priorities, committing if a left-wing minister was appointed to Matignon not to use the constitutional weapon of 49.3. On a slightly different line, EELV senator Yannick Jadot pleaded for a government led by the left but including “ministers from the central bloc”, in the name of a “transitional republican pact”.

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But there is no guarantee that LR deputies would join a coalition project extended to the PS. “Our commitment in September was only valid for Michel Barnier,” said the leader of LR, Laurent Wauquiez, in front of the deputies of his group on Tuesday. In the hemicycle, he seemed to turn his gaze much more towards the extreme right than towards the left, inviting Marine Le Pen and her people to “pull themselves together” as they prepared to vote with “those who treat the murderers’ police” – targeting the rebels.
