Johannes Kläbo’s problems continue | Sports in a nutshell

Johannes Klabos problems continue Sports in a nutshell

Norwegian star Johannes Kläbo will not be able to compete at least on Friday.

Cross-country superstar Johannes Kläbo has to miss at least one trip to the World Cup in Lillehammeriss.a

Kläbö will not participate in the 10 km freestyle competition on Friday. Kläbo already missed Ruka’s last race due to illness and he is still suffering from the flu.

– Together with the medical team, it has been decided that Friday’s competition is too early, the doctor of the Norwegian national team Ove Feragen said according to NRK.

According to Feragen, Kläbo’s situation is constantly being monitored regarding Saturday and Sunday’s races. However, it is certain that Mattis Stenshagen will join the Norwegian team.

On Saturday there will be a free sprint in Lillehammer and on Sunday there will be a 20 km start race.

shows the Lillehammer World Cup competitions on its channels. Friday’s broadcast on TV2 starts at 11:25 a.m. with the men’s 10 km freestyle skiing competition.
