(Finance) – “The problems and political issues of schools and public administration are so relevant for the country which must be addressed by the Government at an inter-ministerial level: we said it, with Cisal, this week while participating in a meeting with the Civil Service at Palazzo Vidoni. The discussion with the minister Paolo Zangrillo was fruitful because now a technical table will be opened, in parallel with the contractual ones to find shared solutions, also to respond to the Government’s need to launch a plan to modernize the PA so that work returns to being attractive”. He says it today Marcello Pacificonational president of Anief.
“To Minister Zangrillo – continues the leader of the autonomous representative union – we explained that there are priorities to be addressed with urgent and effective responses: the stabilization of teachers found suitable at the end of the 2023 and 2020 competitions, the constraints on staff mobility that must be eliminated to fulfill the right to the family, the additional ATA staff to be reactivated so as not to jeopardize the Pnrr projects and the Southern Agenda in schools, the recruitment to be changed by introducing the double channel to thus eliminate chronic precariousness, the middle management for the 100,000 who work on the staff of school managers, the implementation of paid training already provided for by the latest collective bargaining agreement, the adoption of real welfare and not just on paper, the assignment of salaries capable of at least responding to the inflation, the adoption of exceptions to retirement at the age of 70, with exit at 60 without penalties and with free redemption of the degree as happens for the military and police”.
Pacifico explains that “there are many issues, we know, but this does not mean that they must continue to remain in limbo: the desire to find solutions is too importantthe. We have also reiterated our willingness to start discussions on public contracts, also suggesting that the contractual holiday allowance be released immediately. With Cisal we also recalled how high the disparity in treatment between temporary and permanent staff remains, how much there is a need to enhance staff also through additional wages (on average 8 thousand euros lower than other public employees), introduce staff to be differentiated based on territorial needs. Just as important are the critical issues for the staff of Local Authorities and the Presidency of the Council, whose contractual renewal is causing an unacceptable delay. The same political issues had been presented at the hearing, with a memorandum, together with Cisal at the V Budget Commission of Montecitorio to modify the economic maneuver. We will not rest until solutions arrive”, concludes trade unionist Anief.