More young guys gamble for money according to new report: “It’s a lot of card games and casinos”

CAN (The Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotic Information) has been conducting surveys among school classes for several decades.

Since the gambling questions were introduced in 2012, the percentage of guys gambling for money has never been as high as this year.

However, there are somewhat fewer girls who gamble for money than last year, about 9 percent of girls of both ages.

Larger sums and higher risks

CAN highlights at the same time that there are more and more guys who have played for more than SEK 100 in the last month, and that there are more guys and girls who have stated what is classified as “risky gambling”.

More sniffing but less drinking

Other changes that appear in the 2024 report are that snus continues to increase, where white snus dominates.

The percentages who smoke or drink alcohol, on the other hand, are slowly decreasing, in both cases it is in line with the trend of previous years.

The number of young people who state that they have used drugs has not changed significantly in recent years.
