(Finance) – It will be held this evening in Rome, at Palazzo Brancaccio, the Confapi evening Rome and Lazio. An opportunity – explains Confapi in a note – to underline the strategic role of Confapi in the economic and institutional panorama of Lazio. The event will see the participation of representatives of the Lazio Region, the Municipality of Rome and other local entities, all gathered with the aim of building synergies to face future challenges. The participations of the minister Francesco Lollobrigida and of President of the Region Francesco Rocca.
At the center of the evening will be the Jubileea global event that opens up development scenarios for the territory. Confapi Rome and Lazio – explains the note – “is preparing to launch a new challenge, promoting an innovative growth model that looks to the future with courage and determination, while at the same time consolidating the strategic role of local entrepreneurship. A development model that combine tradition and innovation, consolidating the local entrepreneurial fabric and strengthening the dialogue between businesses and institutions”. New suggestions on the challenges awaiting the city of Rome and the entire Lazio region.
“Our capital – he underlines Massimo Tabacchiera, president of Confapi Lazio – deserves a development vision that is able to enhance its enormous potential, tackling crucial issues such as urban regeneration, sustainable mobility and support for small and medium-sized businesses with determination. Confapi Lazio is committed to being a strategic interlocutor to promote concrete solutions, encouraging dialogue between businesses and institutions and tracing a growth path that lives up to the expectations of citizens and entrepreneurs”.