Yellowstone revolves around the Dutton family and their farm, run by patriarch John Dutton. Kevin Costner plays him and the two seem to have a small but nice detail in common – their food preferences. This is how Kevin Costner’s real reaction fits perfectly into the series.
Kevin Costner was grossed out so hard while filming Yellowstone that you can see his real reaction
As a rule, actors have to work hard to bring strong emotions and reactions to the screen. Of course, it’s particularly practical if they don’t have to act at all, but instead just do their acting show off real, innermost feelings can.
Apparently that’s exactly what happened to Kevin Costner during the filming of Yellowstone Chef and actor Gabriel “Gator” Guilbeau told Delish reported. For five years he was only responsible for the physical well-being of the crew and cast on Taylor Sheridan’s projects.
For Yellowstone he also stepped in front of the camera to play a chef in the Paramount series. There In one scene he serves fried squid to the head of the familyto which he has a particularly violent reaction and asks what the hell that is.
The highlight of the story, according to Gabriel Guilbeau, is that This reaction, which we can see in the third episode of season 2, is not played was. According to the chef, Kevin Costner prefers home cooking like potatoes with meat. Neither John Dutton nor Kevin Costner would ever willingly eat fried octopus.
He looked at me with that look and it was an honest reaction that you see on the show: ‘Gator, what the hell is that?’
Speaking of Yellowstone: There’s generally no shortage of surprises in the series, but the last season really turns things up a notch. Yellowstone is currently shocking with the next death in season 5 – but the star has no objections.
Back to food: Series chef Guilbeau also reports that Kevin Costner has a sweet tooth and a weakness for sweets. He could also imagine the Yellowstone actor before they met Lived solely on hot dogs and canned chili have.