(Finance) – The ordinary meeting of Banco di Sardegna (which is part of the group BPER Bank) approved the financial statements 2021 and appointed for the three-year period 2022-2024 the new board of directors. The new BoD is made up of: Gianfranco Farre (President), Elvio Sonnino (Vice President), Annamaria Massimetti (Director), Viviana Ferri (Director), Maria Grazia Dessì (Director), Roberto Ferrari (Director), Grazia Orlandini (Director) , Luca Saba (Director), Giuseppe Cuccurese (Director), Gian Battista Piana (Director), Alessandro Simonazzi (Director).
He was also appointed for the three-year period 2022-2024 the new board of statutory auditorsconsisting of: Giovanni Ghi (Chairman), Mirco Zucca (Standing Auditor), Donatella Rotilio (Standing Auditor), Giorgia Butturi (Alternate Auditor), Luigi Attilio Mazzocchi (Alternate Auditor).