The investigation into a law on the obligation to notify, commissioned by the Tidöparties, points out six authorities as affected by the law. Schools, care, social services and public libraries are exempt and shall not be covered by the law.
The DIK trade union requests greater clarity regarding the authorities that are not covered and the listed exceptions.
– We see that there are some ambiguities, we wonder, for example, what is happening with the Cultural School. There are quite a few activities where our members employed by the public league could speak, says Anna Troberg, chairman of DIK.
The Minister: The law applies to six authorities
Johan Forssell (M) tells Kulturnyheterna that it is only the six authorities – Arbetsförmedlingen, Kronofogden, Skatteverket, Försäkringskassan, Pensionsmyndigheten and Correctional Services – that will be covered by the law.
In that case, why do you list school, care, social services and libraries as exceptions?
– Because it has sounded in the debate that these activities would be covered. Then we thought it was important to describe that they will not do that, says Johan Forssell.