Try these before taking medicine! Consume them to lower blood pressure.

Try these before taking medicine Consume them to lower blood

With age, blood pressure tends to increase, the elasticity of the vessels decreases, so the heart is forced to pump harder. However, the most common causes of high blood pressure today are diet and lifestyle habits.

Too much salt, too much sugar, too much industrial product, too much bad fat, too much stress, too much sedentary lifestyle and too much weight are the main causes of hypertension. Smoking also triggers hypertension.

It is possible to turn everything around with a healthy diet such as consuming more vegetables, more legumes, more nuts, more spices and herbs.


Salt stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s autonomic activities, and causes it to become overactive. As a result, the heart and arteries contract more.

By triggering the hormone production of the adrenal glands, they cause an increase in blood pressure, thus blood pressure.


Salt promotes water retention in the kidneys. This water enters the blood circulation instead of being excreted from the body, increasing the blood volume and therefore the blood pressure.

Salt also promotes weight gain, especially in the belly area, a risk factor for hypertension. A vicious cycle begins, as the accumulation of fat in the belly area stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.


Self-measurement of blood pressure is performed while you are resting, in a calm environment. There should be no such things as the telephone, heated arguments, and cigarettes. Tobacco increases systolic (high) blood pressure by 10 millimeters of mercury over the 20 minutes following each cigarette smoked.

Place the armband on electronic blood pressure monitors around the arm (the arm is preferred over the wrist because it’s more reliable) and press the start button. The bandage should be in direct contact with the skin.


At the end of the measurement, the device displays two values. Systolic blood pressure (systolic blood pressure) corresponding to the contraction of the heart and diastolic blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure) corresponding to the relaxation of the heart.

The average of the measurement should not exceed 135/85 mmHg. If either of these two numbers exceeds these limits, the patient’s risk of cardiovascular disease increases.

These values ​​are valid for life, but systolic blood pressure increases with age. The average that should not be exceeded for people over the age of 80 is 145/85.


Hypertension is excessively high blood pressure in the arteries. Over time, the entire cardiovascular system wears out, increasing the incidence of heart disease and stroke. That’s why age is one of the biggest factors. Also, women often find that their blood pressure rises during menopause. Screening is especially important during this period.

Excess weight is also a factor that causes high blood pressure. Losing excess weight may be sufficient in some cases to restore normal blood pressure values.

Excessive consumption of salt (more than 10 grams per day) also increases blood pressure. 1 gram of excess salt per day means + 1 mmHg high blood pressure.

The kidneys have the function of regulating water and salt in the body. Therefore, a dysfunction in the kidneys will also lead to an increase in blood pressure. This should be monitored especially in the case of kidney disease. A problem with the adrenal glands can also have an effect.


A balanced diet keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy, and often tweaking your diet is more effective than medication. For example, treatment is necessary to avoid a cardiovascular disease. However, this treatment does not cure hypertension. But good nutrition can prevent or even cure hypertension.


Along with a proper, healthy and tasty diet, regular personalized physical activity is part of an overall lifestyle.

Here are 10 foods you can consume against hypertension.


It is essential to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli, in the diet you will follow to lower your blood pressure. Broccoli is rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium and helps regulate blood pressure levels. In addition, its flavonoid content makes it a protective food against coronary diseases that can be caused by hypertension. But be careful, it should be eaten raw or undercooked to take advantage of the nutrients.


100 g of raw broccoli contains 300 mg of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps lower blood pressure, according to various studies. Potassium provides protection against high blood pressure. Potassium plays a role in the secretion of aldosterone. This is a hormone that regulates the amount of sodium in the body and lowers blood pressure. Many different vegetables and fruits, such as potatoes, artichokes, and bananas, are also rich in potassium.


It has a good potassium content (530 mg/100 g), which makes the blood more fluid and regulates blood pressure levels. It also lowers bad cholesterol levels and prevents atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), one of the main factors of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to eat at least 4 teeth a day to take advantage of its benefits.



Studies have revealed the benefits of yogurt against hypertension. It is known that eating yogurt regularly will reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 31 percent, thanks to the calcium it contains. For a healthy meal or snack, opt for real, homemade yogurt with probiotics mixed with foods like oatmeal and fruit.


When you are hungry, how about eating a handful of almonds instead of eating sugary products? Rich in potassium, magnesium, and unsaturated fatty acids, almonds are great for your health and help keep your blood pressure in good condition and lower your cholesterol levels.



Cocoa is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are molecules that improve the dilation of arteries, thereby regulating blood pressure. Cocoa is also a good source of potassium (3.9 g/100 g). If you want to lower your blood pressure, you can eat one or two squares (up to 30 g) of dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa every day.


Turmeric has many health benefits. Turmeric, which is an anti-inflammatory, has many beneficial effects against cancer and heart diseases. Although its effects against hypertension are not scientifically proven, it is beneficial with its anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory properties. But be careful as it can interact with blood thinners.



It is the oil that contains the most omega 3 (53 g/100 g), which are essential fatty acids that help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension, support blood fluidity and dilation of blood vessels. Walnut, rapeseed, soybean and wheat germ oils also contain good amounts.


Oily marine fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are an excellent source of omega 3, which has a beneficial effect on high blood pressure. You can consume two servings of 100 g per week.



Mushrooms are rich in phosphorus and potassium, two minerals that help lower blood pressure, prevent clogging of arteries and damage to the vessel wall. They’re also packed with plant sterols that have a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels. Mushrooms, which are low in calories, can be consumed daily.


Potassium-rich green vegetables such as spinach and artichokes also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. In addition, legumes such as beans, broad beans and peas, which are rich in potassium, also regulate blood pressure levels.

Studies show that about 250 ml of beet juice can lower blood pressure by about 10 mm Hg. Nitrate, which turns into nitric oxide in beets, is a gas that expands blood vessels and facilitates blood circulation. Drinking beetroot juice every day can help lower blood pressure.
