If there’s only one vitamin to take to avoid getting sick, it’s this one.

If theres only one vitamin to take to avoid getting

Fatigue, loss of vitality, viruses… Every year, the fall/winter season brings its share of little hassles.

Vitamin C, B, K, D… How many vitamin cocktails are there on the shelves of pharmacies and parapharmacies? How to navigate when you want to boost your immune system with the arrival of fall and winter? In fact, most of the vitamins we need to stay healthy are found in food. This is already where we must draw our strength to reduce the risk of falling ill when viruses multiply. We give pride of place to fresh fruits and vegetables every day, it’s essential. Without forgetting dried fruits, so valuable in case of sluggishness.

Afterwards “If only one vitamin should be favored during this season, it is vitamin D, a vitamin that we all potentially lack in winter.” advises naturopath Sophie Pihan. “From October 15 until April 15 we don’t have enough sun and the UV rays are not strong enough, she continues. When it is sunny, it is necessary to expose the forearms at least in order to secrete vitamin D, for 15 to 20 minutes per day, especially since our body has a limited storage capacity for vitamin D. .”

Vitamin D contributes to good muscle functioning and participates in normal mineralization of bones and teeth by promoting the absorption of calcium. It plays an important role in the immune system. If our immune defenses are weak, we are more vulnerable to microbial infections. An optimal immune system promotes better resistance, while boosting our vitality. Vitamin D is also a great regulator of our mood and our mind.

These reasons lead us, logically, to move towards vitamin D supplementation during the fall/winter season. “Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which is why I recommend using drops instead. They will be better assimilated into a fatty substance; you can pour two or three drops directly onto your plate. You can take vitamin D throughout winter”, explains Sophie Pihan. Medication supplementation with vitamin D is recommended by doctors in newborns and up to the age of 18.

Unlike other vitamins provided by food, vitamin D is very little present in food. “The main foods containing vitamin D are mushrooms, small oily fish and the runny yolk of fried or boiled eggslists our expert. We find it in enriched products, such as plant-based milks, yogurts or margarines, even if the vitamin D added in these types of foods is less well assimilated by the body. concludes the expert.

Thanks to Sophie Pihan, naturopath and member of FÉNA.
