Tokyo override is a futuristic Thai-Japanese animated series set in Tokyo. The first season of the series has been available for streaming on the Netflix service since November 21, 2024.
Anime is still just as popular and Netflix understands that! Ultraman, Full Metal Alchemist, Mobile Suit Gandamthese animated films and series are often adaptations of manga or comics, but not always… The Thai-Japanese series Tokyo Override is an original animated series produced by Thai studios RiFF Studios.
The episodes of the first season are directed by Yuske Fukuda and Veerapatra Jinanavin (Evangelion, Thrice upon a time), while the characters are voiced by a renowned cast, like the Japanese singer Ai Fairouz who lends her voice to the heroine of the series. The first season of Tokyo Override is available in streaming since November 21 on the Netflix platform.
What is the plot of Tokyo Override ?
One hundred years after our time, in ultra-modern Tokyo, technology guarantees superficial prosperity for the population. Kai, a young hacker and orphan, will discover that behind its apparent perfection, the Japanese capital hides dark secrets. While she helps a gang of rebellious bikers addicted to chases, Kai finds herself unwillingly embroiled in a murder and drug trafficking case. She then understands that her whole world was built on lies.
What dubbing for Tokyo Override ?
- Ai Fairouz: Kai
- Ryota Takeuchi: Hugo
- Tomoaki Maeno: Spoke
- Mariya Ise: Watari
Where to see Tokyo Override streaming?
The first season of the series Tokyo Override is available for streaming on the giant Netflix service. Since its creation, the platform has established itself as a leader in the world of video on demand and offers numerous films and animated series such as Mobile Suit, One Piece or even Akira. To discover all this content, you can subscribe to one of the plans offered by Netflix: the essential with advertisements at 5.99 euros per month, the standard at 13.49 euros per month and the premium at 19.99 euros per month.