What is a brain stem tumor? Brain stem tumor symptoms and treatment

Cells in the body that have various functions and functions can grow and divide more than they should. This situation causes various abnormal and excessive tissue growths in the body. Tumors are also these tissue growths and can occur in various parts of the body.

What is a brain stem tumor?

A group of tumors that occur in the brainstem, which is the part of the lower part of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord, is called glioma. Tumors occurring in this area can present themselves with various symptoms.
Symptoms of the presence of tumors in the brainstem may also cause the patient to experience developmental disorders. Benign or malignant tumors occurring in the person’s central system play a very important role in the person’s vital functions.

What are the symptoms of brain stem tumor?

Symptoms of brain stem tumor, triggered by various reasons, manifest themselves as follows:

  • Facial paralysis or loss of sensation
  • Dysarthria
  • difficulty swallowing
  • worsening handwriting
  • double vision
  • Weakening
  • Unbalanced walking
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • speech difficulty
  • Numbness

How is brain stem tumor treated?

Treatment of diagnosed brain stem tumor is carried out by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical methods. The aim is to clear the tumor by applying surgery, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.

The most commonly preferred diagnostic method is MRI. Brain stem tumors are divided into 5 different classes based on MRI findings. After the doctor makes a diagnosis, he or she may recommend brainstem tumor surgery as he deems appropriate.

Is brainstem tumor genetic?

It has been explained by experts that genetic factors can also cause beta stem tumor. In addition, brain stem tumor may occur due to radiation and radioactive rays.

In the 4th stage of brainstem tumor, which has various stages, it is extremely important which type of tumor it is. The patient experiences effects such as headache, vomiting, and visual impairment. Additionally, as the tumor is advanced, loss of balance and difficulty in speaking are also observed.
