The State covers the interest: this new very advantageous loan for owners

The State covers the interest this new very advantageous loan

The banks are offering this zero-interest loan, for a maximum amount of 50,000 euros, until the end of 2027. After that, it will be too late.

Many owners one day find themselves faced with a delicate situation: their apartment or house is aging, renovation work is becoming urgent, but finances are not keeping up. Between the cost of materials, that of labor and increasingly demanding energy standards, the bill can quickly climb. In this context, many owners abandon their projects or delay them, seeing their property deteriorate over the years.

However, recently, a solution exists for certain households. It takes the form of a zero-interest loan, which is offered by banks and establishments that have entered into a partnership with the State. It differs from other loans because it is 0% for ten years and taxpayers can repay it when they resell their property or during an inheritance. The maximum loan amount is 50,000 euros.

If you haven’t heard of it yet, that’s normal: this system has only existed since September 4 with the publication of the decrees in Official Journal. It was designed by the government to support homeowners on modest incomes. This is the advance transfer loan (PAM), also called advance renovation loan (PAR +). As its name suggests, it is intended to finance the energy renovation work of your main residence without digging into the owners’ budget. Indeed, its main particularity is that “interest is covered by the State during the first 10 years of the loan, then an interest rate is freely set by the lending institution”, can we read on the Public Service website.

To qualify, you must meet certain conditions, particularly in terms of income. The taxpayers concerned are those who have “modest” or “very modest” resources for the National Housing Agency (Anah). To do this, you must be able to respect certain resource ceilings. If you live alone in your property, your income must be less than or equal to 28,657 euros if your accommodation is in Ile-de-France, and the ceiling increases to 21,805 euros if it is located in another community. If there are three of you, the ceiling is set at 50,513 euros in the Paris region and 38,349 euros in other municipalities. To request it, you must contact a bank or a partner company which offers the renovation advance loan, the list of establishments being available on the site

Concretely, this loan “is based on the guarantee of a mortgage for the housing on which the energy renovation project relates”, detail the authorities. After obtaining it, the work must be done within three years. Concerning the nature of the work, it may involve thermal insulation of roofs, walls, floors, installation of heating systems, or even more general renovations. The ultimate goal is to renovate your property, but also to increase its value in the long term.
