(Finance) – TheAbi he calculated that the greater revenue overall resulting from the postponement of the use of deferred tax assets (Dta) is in the order of 4 billion. In memory on maneuver filed with the Budget Committee of the Chamber by the Italian Banking Association, it is underlined that “these are mechanisms for postponing the tax recovery relating to negative income components that have already met the requirements for the deductibility according to criteria of competence. In essence, the postponement of the recovery of deferred tax assets involves a cost“.
The Abi then noted “uncertainties interpretative” on the rule that requires the presence of representatives of the Mef in the audit panels of companies that receive public contributions. “It seems appropriate, to dispel any possible doubt, that the law be modified by expressly excluding all private entities from its scope of application”, requested the association.
Furthermore, the rule in the part in which it would also provide for private companies the obligation to comply with the containment measures of spending “would raise obvious profiles of unconstitutionality“.