5 essential tips from a pro for the perfect shampoo

5 essential tips from a pro for the perfect shampoo

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    Did you know that there is a procedure to follow to properly wash your hair? Yes, it’s not enough to wet them and apply shampoo. Here are the five tips to follow to wash your hair effectively, according to an expert.

    Washing your hair properly is not as easy as it seems. In reality, you should follow five essential steps, which Julien Le Rumeur, professional ambassador of the brand, explains step by step for us. Christophe Robin.

    Brush your hair before washing

    To wash your hair, do you think you have to immediately wet it in the shower? Big mistake! Washing actually begins with brushing your hair while it is dry. For what ? “This helps detangle the hair and thus prevents breakage of the hair fibers during washing and eliminates surface impurities, such as dust and residue from styling products” reveals the hairdressing expert. “Brushing also helps distribute the natural oils of the scalp over the entire length of the hair, providing additional protection..

    Focus on three key areas while shampooing

    Once this first step has been completed, you can wet your hair and apply your shampoo. At this time, Julien Le Rumeur recommends focusing on three specific areas: the top of the head, the nape of the neck and the temples. “These areas tend to accumulate more sebum and impurities, so it is essential to pay them special attention.” explains the specialist. “In order to stimulate blood circulation while ensuring deep cleansing, it is effective to make gentle circular movements with the fingers to emulsify the shampoohe advises.

    Rinse thoroughly

    Then comes the rinsing stage. A necessary step not to be overlooked. “A good rinse ensures that all product residue is removed, leaving the scalp clean for longer“. To do this, be sure to use lukewarm water and rinse your hair well, in order to “close hair cuticles without drying them out“.

    Wring your hair without rubbing it

    After rinsing, it is essential to handle the hair with care. “It is preferable to apply light pressure on the hair with the towel to absorb excess water without attacking the cuticles, rather than rubbing with the latter, which can sensitize it and reveal spots. frizz” warns Julien Le Rumeur.

    Air dry them as much as possible

    Finally, it is now well known that heating appliances damage hair. Even though blow-drying hair is faster, the expert advises letting hair dry naturally as much as possible. “Heat styling can weaken and dry hair, especially if it is thin or damaged” he recalls. On the contrary, “drying in the open air helps preserve natural hydration and thus protects the hair fiber..

    Hairbrush: which brush for my hair?

    Slide: Hairbrush: which brush for my hair?
