Best Language Learning Apps 2022

Best Language Learning Apps 2022

Perhaps the biggest problem in the globalizing world is learning a language. But don’t worry, there are great apps to help you learn any language. These applications, which come as an extra of technology, will help you learn languages. Here are the best language learning apps…


Memrise is a great program for those who want to learn a foreign language, which is among the most fun and best applications. The application, which focuses on 3 simple ingredients in the recipe for easy learning, among them science, entertainment and community, has more than 35 million users. In addition, Memrise tries to save many languages ​​such as English, Japanese, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Italian with images in your memory.


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Would you like to learn a new language in just 10 minutes a day? Then Busuu is the foreign language learning app for you. Reaching 80 million language learners worldwide, Busuu offers the opportunity to learn 12 languages, including English, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.


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HelloTalk is a free app that helps you learn languages ​​by chatting with people from all over the world. Supporting more than 150 languages, the application supports both IOS and Android operating systems, allowing you to reach more than 10 million users worldwide.


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The application, which allows you to easily learn a foreign language and gain real speaking skills by starting with daily, practical conversations, is enriched with audio lessons and interactive dialogues prepared by language experts.

Rosetta Stone

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Rosetta Stone, a leader in language teaching for 25 years; It is a great app where you will have basic learning skills when it will choose 24 languages. In addition, the application, where you can progress by giving correct answers in vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar, is very useful for learning a new language.


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Duolingo, one of the best mobile applications; It’s free, well-designed and accessible, making it very popular with those who want to learn a new language. Because the application has a fun and addictive structure; It offers lessons that allow you to earn points with correct answers, race against the clock and rise to the next level. All lessons also allow you to improve your speaking, listening and reading comprehension skills while making games more fun.


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Mobile application based in America; It has nine rich and engaging games designed for students preparing for the SAT and GRE exams, 500 SAT words to help you practice, and 25 lessons and tests. If you want to learn a foreign language, Mindsnacks includes Spanish, Japanese, Italian; gain activity in 7 languages, including Chinese, French, German and Portuguese; It allows you to improve learning techniques, monitor your progress and help you become practical.

Lingua Lift

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Lingua Lift, an application developed by Oxford University experts; For now it only teaches in Japanese, Hebrew and Russian languages. The program, which has access to more than 260 thousand users, by a team of teachers and study coaches; It is an application where you will receive professional support at every step and you will achieve excellent results in a short time.


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HiNative is a great mobile app for those who want to learn English, Spanish, Japanese, French and other languages. Providing users with the opportunity to learn the languages ​​they want to learn from real people who speak their mother tongue; With HiNative you can chat with people from all over the world; You can ask questions about the topics you are curious about and strengthen your social network.


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Study sets on both a foreign language and a large number of subjects you want to learn; Quizlet where you can access learning cards and more; It is a very useful application for teachers and students. With Quizlet, you can improve your skills in subjects such as anatomy, physics, foreign language, sports, music.


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Cambly comes from the Spanish word intercambio, meaning to barter. Since the establishment of Cambly, its aim is with native English speaking instructors; Bringing together users who want to learn and practice English!
