Its price will even explode in a very specific region. Who will pay more and how much? We tell you everything.
You must carry certain documents with you when traveling with a motorized vehicle: the driving license if necessary, the insurance certificate and the registration certificate (ex-gray card). This last paper has a cost and, bad news, it will increase from January 1, 2025. In one region, the price will even skyrocket.
Requesting a registration certificate when you buy a vehicle can be done yourself, on the website of the National Agency for Secure Titles. But it is also possible to carry out the process through an automobile professional authorized by the Ministry of the Interior, which is often the case for dealerships, indicates the site Public service. The price of the registration document includes five taxes and fees: a fee for the delivery of the registration certificate, a fixed tax of 11 euros, a tax on polluting vehicles, a tax for the development of professional training activities in transport and a regional tax.
Concerning the latter, its amount varies depending on the region, each being free to set the price it wishes, within the limit of 60 euros. In all cases, the rate is established for one tax horse and is multiplied by the number of tax horses of the vehicle, indicated in section P.6 of the registration document. For example, if you want to register a vehicle with 6 tax horses in a region where the regional tax is 30 euros per tax horse, its total amount will be 180 euros.
And it is this famous regional tax which will increase from January 1 in several regions, reports CNews. For example, the tax horse will cost 45 euros in New Aquitaine, 48 euros in the Grand Est, 54.95 euros in Île-de-France, or even 55 euros in Brittany, Center-Val de Loire and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté . At the start of 2025, a new region will be the most expensive in terms of registration certificates: Normandy. The price of the tax horse there will be 60 euros, the highest price authorized.
In two years, its price will have increased by 72%, indicates France Bluesince the Norman tax for the gray card had already increased from 35 to 46 euros per tax horse in 2024. Hervé Morin, centrist president of the regional council, justifies this decision by the need to find new income in order to compensate for the savings which are imposed by the State, but it displeases many people, including left-wing elected officials.