TAXES 2022. Income tax return: 4 new things to know!

TAXES 2022 Income tax return 4 new things to know

2022 TAX DECLARATION. When filling out your tax return, you may be faced with one of the new features of this 2022 declaration campaign. Here they are.

[Mis à jour le 14 avril 2022 à 08h41] Haven’t started filling out your 2022 tax return yet? That’s good, several new features have appeared this year. And for some of you, great savings could be made. It should simply be remembered that the tax declaration must be completed before June 8 for an online declaration and before May 18 for a paper form. The website of taxes is now available. The tax administration has resolved the major technical issue of last weekend after 3 days without any accessibility. presents the four new things to know about the 2022 tax return:

First of all, the kilometer scale is increased by 10% this year. A boon for heavy riders who should benefit from it by declaring their mileage costs for their real amount. 2.5 million French people already use this method, it could save you 150 euros on average per declaration. Then the electric charge tax credit for your electric vehicle. Within the limit of 300 euros per charging system installed, you can benefit from a tax credit of 75%. The box concerned on your declaration is 7ZQ. Also, the press tax credit. You can benefit from a tax credit on the occasion of your first subscription to a press, political or general information title, in paper or digital version. Note that this subscription must be taken out between May 9, 2021 and December 31, 2022, for a minimum of 12 months. In this case, you will be refunded up to 30% and through income tax. It is box 7PA that is concerned on your tax return. Finally, the tax advantage which benefits taxpayers who decide to make a donation to a place of worship increases from 66% to 75% until the end of 2022. The limit is set at 554 euros of expenditure. Here, box 7UJ of your tax return is concerned.

The 2022 declarative campaign is well and truly launched! No more malfunctions, it’s time to fill in your tax return on income received in 2021. And an important piece of data comes back to the fore every year, the deadlines! They vary according to your department of residence and also according to the form of tax declaration used. In other words, if you have chosen to declare your taxes online or in paper format using one of the forms offered. For an online tax return, the deadline is fixed at June 8. For a tax declaration in paper format via a form, the deadline is fixed at May 18. Remember these dates because beyond that, it will no longer be possible to declare your income to the tax authorities. For taxpayers who are unable or no longer able to go online, don’t panic. The tax administration has updated the dedicated page to the declarative campaign forms. To save time, we advise you to bring your payslip for December 2021, on which you will find the “net tax amount” for the year 2021, to fill in on your 2022 tax return on 2021 income. The tax return also allows you to obtain a refund if this is the case, and to update your tax rate. withholding tax. Tax households then receive their tax notice at the end of July. The payment date is set for September.

Last Friday, access to the pre-filling of your declaration was totally impossible. A major incident explained by the Ministry of the Economy via a press release published on Monday April 11, extract: “At the end of the analysis carried out by our services this weekend, it appears that this gap was identified only for the agents of the three public services who worked overtime in 2021. This concerns approximately 1 million taxpayers (i.e. less of 2% in relation to all tax households).” A discrepancy which concerns the salaries and wages which appear in the boxes 1AJ / 1BJ and overtime exempt from the boxes 1GH and 1HH. So as not to make any mistakes, refer to the net taxable amount for the year, available on your payslip for the month of December 2021.

The taxman assures that he “will soon and personally send each identified taxpayer the procedure for correcting the tax return, by e-mail or by letter. and that its services will then carry out a specific follow-up in order to verify that the modifications have been made and that no one will suffer any negative consequences as a result of this incident.“Regarding taxpayers who had not yet completed their tax return, there is no problem. They can now do so and are not affected by these pre-filling problems.

The opening date of the tax declaration occurs in the spring, generally in the month of April. Deadlines depend on how you declare and your department number. They run from the end of May to the beginning of June. Taxpayers then receive their tax notice at the end of July. The payment date is set for mid-September.

Note, the online tax return service of the year 2021 will open the April 7, 2022. The filing deadlines differ according to your place of residence. In summary, 3 dates are fixed annually, one per zone. Here they are :

  • May 24, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.: departments n° 01 to 19
  • May 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.: departments n° 20 to 54
  • June 8, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. : departments n° 55 to 974/976

Regarding the paper tax return for the year 2021, the deadline has been set for May 18, 2022.

The starting signal for this 2022 declarative campaign was given on April 7th. Since this date, all French taxpayers can now complete their tax declaration and declare their income for 2021. For an online declaration, the information should be pre-filled by the tax authorities once you are connected to the website of the tax authorities. taxes. Despite this facility, stay vigilant and remember to check all the information about you. Despite this special attention, errors can slip into your tax return. The editorial staff of presents the 5 mistakes to avoid in 2022:

Did you report child support incorrectly?

It is possible that you forgot to declare child support. If you pay one, be careful to declare it in the “6. Deductible expenses” section and not in the “6DD” section which corresponds to the deductions! The error happens quickly, so be vigilant. In the opposite case, if you receive alimony, it must be declared under one of the following headings: 1AO, 1BO, 1CO or 1DO.

Forgot to declare a TV?

This is perhaps the queen of tax filing errors. Not the most serious, but the most common. The box “contribution to public broadcasting” is dedicated to this declaration there. Of course, you will not forget to pay the TV license fee, so you might as well declare it from April on your tax return. If you do not do it, you will have to reimburse the sum of € 138. Know that in the event of the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, or the election of Marine Le Pen on April 24, this audiovisual fee will be abolished.

Forgot to check the single parent box?

Single ? Divorced or separated? Don’t forget to tick the “single parent” box (box T) on your tax return. It is possible that this box is not pre-filled even if you were already in this situation last year. In addition, the malfunctions that appeared this year on pre-filling prompt you to be even more vigilant.

You are separated or divorced, a concern about the declaration of dependent children?

Again, there are often mistakes and they are largely avoidable. If your child resides alternately with one parent then with the other, be aware that he or she can be taken into account equally within the tax household. Sometimes taxpayers don’t know it and fail to report it. In some cases, the tax return is false and errors are made at this level. If the child is your sole responsibility, you must complete boxes F or G. If custody is shared with your spouse, check boxes H or I.

Childcare expenses, what to declare?

In the case of a tax credit, it is possible to obtain a reimbursement of 50% of the total expenses relating to this care of dependent children under the age of 6 on January 1, 2021. Attention, an error is very quickly arrived in this case. Keep in mind that food costs should not be included as they are not taken into account in the tax credit. You must also withdraw the additional costs of free choice of childcare, and the aid granted by the employer.

The website allows you to access a simulator in order to access the 2022 tax calculation on 2021 income. Whether in a simplified or complete version. This tax calculator is only valid if you live in France.
