In public and private hospitals in France, nearly 4,900 beds were closed in 2023, according to a study by the Statistical Directorate of Social Ministries (Drees), published this Thursday, October 31. In 10 years, 43,500 beds have been closed in the country.
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This is one of the symbols of the hospital crisis: nearly 4,900 full hospitalization beds (with overnight stay in the establishment) were eliminated in 2023, confirming a continued decline in supply, with 43 500 beds lost since the end of 2013, according to a study of the Drees published Thursday October 31. Since the end of 2013, health establishments have lost 43,500 full hospitalization beds, representing a reduction in supply of 10.5% in ten years. Some 20,900 partial hospitalization places were created at the same time (+31%).
Also readThe public hospital crisis: a European evil?
Shortage of health professionals
The erosion is constant and it’s not just about money. The problem lies in the shortage of professionals, nurses, caregivers and doctors. The decline in the number of beds confirms, according to Drees, “ a trend observed for several years “, reflecting on the one hand the desire of the public authorities to ” reorganize » care towards more « outpatient “, but also staff shortages which do not ” cannot maintain » all beds open.
To compensate, for years, the hospital has reorganized itself. It favors day hospitalization, where the patient receives care during the day in the hospital and then returns home in the evening. This process makes it possible to remove beds that should have been occupied at night and is valid for certain treatments, but not for psychiatry. Home hospitalization is also encouraged.
Caregivers regularly criticize bed closures which saturate services, put teams under pressure and increase tensions in emergency departments, causing more and more professionals to flee the hospital.
These figures are published in the middle of a parliamentary debate on the 2025 Social Security budget, for which the government wants to reduce the deficit. Angry, four unions filed a strike notice, from November 4 to December 21, to protest against this budget.
Also readFrance: examination of the 2025 budget in the National Assembly, the Barnier government put to the test