ex-Ilva, government-company-union meeting at Palazzo Chigi

ex Ilva government company union meeting at Palazzo Chigi

(Finance) – It began at Palazzo Chigi meeting between government and unions on the former Ilva in Taranto. Present for the Executive are the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Ursothe Minister of Labor and Social Policies Marina Calderonethe minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgettithe Minister of Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratinthe undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano.

For the trade unions, representatives of were present Fiom Cgil, Fim-Cisl, Uilm-Uil, Ugl metalworkers and USB. Also participating in the meeting are: Invitalia, the extraordinary commissioners of Steel mills of Italy (Adi) and the extraordinary commissioners of Ilva Group.
