Mediopadana HS Station: Mims signs an agreement with RFI, the Emilia Romagna Region and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

Pnrr Mims the tender for the award of energy efficiency

(Finance) – The Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, today signed the program agreement with Italian Railway Network (RFI – Italian State Railways Group), Emilia Romagna region And Municipality of Reggio Emilia for the definition and implementation of works to complete the Mediopadano junction. The interventions – explains Mims in a note – concern the completion works of the Mediopadana high-speed train station and provide for a wide mix of supplementary services, aimed at improving accessibility to the railway system, and services of territorial interest, thus favoring the development of the station as a transport hub and hub in the Mediopadano area.

“The Mediopadana station is a work of great value from an architectural and transport point of view, crucial for the entire economic system and regional mobility – he declared Giovannini -. The agreement signed today provides for various interventions that will make the Mediopadana high-speed station a real hub of sustainable mobility for all users of the entire Mediopadana area “.

In detail, the agreement provides: by Rfi, the construction of a first phase of works to complete the station (with an estimated cost of about 8 million euros) and the construction of accessibility works for travelers on the east side of the station, systems of lifts and escalators and connection between platforms North and South (worth approximately 3 million euros); by the Municipality of Reggio Emiliathe completion of the works already scheduled in the three-year LLPP plan, the completion of the additional offer for exchange parking and first / last mile mobility services (with a total cost of approximately 16 million euros, already financed).

A Technical table, coordinated by Mims, in which Rfi will participate, the Emilia Romagna Region and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia with the task of identifying planning proposals for infrastructural works that find reference in the municipal and regional planning tools. “The objective – underlines the ministry in the note – is to further enhance accessibility, maximize the synergies between the various multimodal communication routes of the territory and the interconnections between the cities of the Mediopadano basin”.
