PNRR, Cdm approves Dl with urgent measures for implementation

PNRR Cdm approves Dl with urgent measures for implementation

(Finance) – The cabinet – on the proposal of the President Mario Draghi, the Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco, the Minister for Public Administration Renato Brunetta, the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Vittorio Colao, the Minister for the South and Cohesion territorial Mara Carfagna, the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani, the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia, the Minister of University and Research Maria Cristina Messa and the Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia, – approved a decree law that introduces further urgent measures to the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The text – says Palazzo Chigi in a note – aims atacceleration of the achievement of specific objectives of the NRP.

The aim is to speed up the implementation of all the projects that are useful to obtain, in June, also the second check of 24.1 billion from Brussels. According to draft of the decree the measures range from combating evasion to European funds for the electrification of ports up to the social code of conduct for the Public Administration. The changes also include the abolition of the electronic invoice obligation for VAT numbers in a flat-rate regime within 25 thousand euros of income up to 2024. On the other hand, from 30 June, despite the Northern League distinctions, the fines for those who do not allow payments with Pos, so far always postponed even if they were introduced in 2014. Higher scores arrive in competitions for those who have the “stamp” of gender certification, while the PA will be able to establish “specific advantages” for the less represented gender to go towards the ‘equilibrium. But for the PA it also goes on the digital accelerator, with the newco to support the transition but also with the rules for a sort of social etiquette on the part of employees also to protect the “reputation” of the public administration. Finally, there is the reform of the recruitment of the public service, with the obligation for those participating in competitions to pass at least one foreign language test, in addition to the obligation to pass through the Inpa portal for all selection procedures.
