Are you happy at work? Ask yourself these 6 questions to find out

Are you happy at work Ask yourself these 6 questions

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    On a daily basis, it is not always easy to know whether you are happy (or not) in your job. To help you see things more clearly, Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist, offers you 6 key questions.

    Because we spend most of our time there, being happy at work is absolutely essential. However, due to lack of luck or self-confidence, it is easy to find yourself in a position that does not satisfy you. But how do you know if you are really (un)happy at work? Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist, offers us 6 key questions to ask ourselves.

    Happiness at work, the new Holy Grail?

    Being happy at work seems to be the new “Holy Grail” of our society. Indeed, thriving within a company is no longer an option, but a necessity. French employees want to be happy, and this is relatively new.

    Never has the quest for happiness at work aroused such enthusiasm: publications, broadcasts, conferences on the subject… everyone is getting involved and positive, even “humanist” companies – which are full of Chief Happiness Officers happiness) – are popular.

    A movement, validated by our expert psychologist, Amélie Boukhobza.

    Because we still spend a large part of our time at work, even most of it… so we might as well be clear about what we really feel!“, she confirms.

    But to be certain of his feelings regarding his missions, a few questions are worth asking…

    The 6 questions to ask yourself

    If happiness at work results from multiple factors – environment, compatibility with company values, feeling of accomplishment, relationships with colleagues, etc. – it is not necessarily inaccessible. Being happy at work is always possible, but you still have to ask yourself… the right questions! Here are all the ones to keep in mind.

    1. Do you like your job?This is a fundamental question to feel good in your life!“, recognizes Amélie Boukhobza.

    2. Do you feel recognized by your peers? “Because yes, being appreciated and recognized at its true value counts in the balance”, she says.

    3. Do you want to get up in the morning?This is the first sign of good balance. Otherwise, something is wrong and we need to see what it is! Like a child writhing in pain or crying for not going to school…”, warns the specialist.

    4. Is your work environment suitable for you? The atmosphere matters too. If you are surrounded by toxic people or in an environment that weighs you down, it can be complicated.” she emphasizes.

    5. Do your missions make sense to you?Without meaning, there is no satisfaction. Without meaning, we can end up getting lost. Unless you say to yourself that it’s just a food job…”, confides the practitioner.

    6. Do you have a balance between professional and personal life ?Because being happy at work also means knowing how to quit. Don’t bring everything home in the evening, neither in terms of files to finish, nor in terms of invading thoughts. Otherwise nothing gets out of work. But being happy at work also means having limited hours and being able to do other things outside of it!” recalls the psychologist, before concluding: “And sometimes a few small adjustments are necessary!“.

    Well-being at work: 16 new things to stay in shape at the office

    Slide: Well-being at work: 16 new things to stay in shape at the office
