Günther Jauch is personally responsible for one of them

Gunther Jauch is personally responsible for one of them

Günther Jauch has been presenting Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for 25 years? and has with it already experienced a few breakdowns. An overview of selected mishaps from a quarter century of the show.

Telephone joker on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? doesn’t want to answer at all

In a broadcast in April 2023, the candidate was faced with the 125,000 euro question. Since she wasn’t sure about the question, she resorted to the telephone joker. However, when dialing the telephone joker’s extension, the ringing and sometimes the busy signal could be heard several times. When the telephone joker’s grandma finally picked up, Jauch replied:

I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. Is he near you or is he not allowed to answer the phone alone yet?

Since the telephone joker wasn’t there, the grandmother looked for the phone number in the house, with the entire audience listening in. It turned out that the Joker was with his mother. When Jauch called there, however, he only received an announcement “No connection at this number”. After several calls, the director finally gave up. The candidate ended up taking part in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? home with 64,000 euros.

Günther Jauch accidentally said the answer

In the 3 million euro week in 2023 there were Günther Jauch accidentally presented the answer to a question. For 16,000 euros, the candidate had to answer a question about a poem by Eduard Mörike, with the possible answers coming directly from the poem.

Jauch made the mistake to quote the poem in excerpts. From this the candidate was able to guess the correct answer. This is how she explained to Jauch: “Because the rhyme fits. That’s answer C, Mr. Jauch” So she got the answer right and won 16,000 euros.

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In Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? the wrong answers to a question were available to choose from

One of the biggest mishaps in recent years occurred during the Easter special 2023. When asked “What term can be used to summarize empanadas, gyoza, manti, piroggi and raviolo?” The following 4 answer options were available: key player, door striker, castle goalkeeper, cylinder defender.

Jauch immediately recognized the mistake and shot against the direction:

That can’t be right. Guys, you can have your Kölsch barrel

Finally the question was changed. In fact, a similar incident occurred on the €3 million week this year. However, Günther Jauch didn’t notice this and so the candidate was allowed to compete a second time.

Where to Watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? can see

Who will become a millionaire? runs every Monday at 8:15 p.m. on RTL. Older episodes and the current episode in advance are available on demand on RTL+.
