“Dad, no one has forgotten you”: Anthony Delon moved for the tribute to Alain Delon at the Lumière Festival

Dad no one has forgotten you Anthony Delon moved for

The Lumière Festival organized a tribute to Alain Delon this Sunday, October 20. The opportunity for his eldest son, accompanied by Vincent Lindon, to pay tribute to the memory of his father who died in August.

Emotions ran high during the closing session of the Lyon Light Festival this Sunday, October 20. A tribute was paid to the actor Alain Delon two months after his death, on August 18. The movie Full Sun by René Clément was screened there to allow the public to see the giant of French cinema again in one of his first major roles, at the age of 23. For the occasion, his eldest son Anthony Delon was present, as was his friend Vincent Lindon.

Moved to tears, Alain Delon’s eldest son did not fail to pay tribute to his father: “One day, he crossed his arms, he looked at me and said: ‘You see, I have been forgotten.’ I say: ‘Dad, no one has forgotten you, don’t worry.’ I tell you this because on the morning of August 18, when he left, suddenly, it was as if the people had woken up, but not his audience. They realized that they had lost Delon. “

Indeed, upon the announcement of Alain Delon’s death on August 18, the actor received a wave of tributes from all over the world, particularly from France obviously, but also from Italy and Japan. In his speech, Anthony Delon explains that “iThey fell asleep a little, but they didn’t forget you. And that day, it did me good. I think of him too. Thank you,” he concluded with great emotion.

“I am an orphan”

A few hours earlier, at the microphone of RTL, Anthony Delon explained that he was now an “orphan”, he who also lost his mother Nathalie Delon on January 21, 2021. “Bereavement takes time, things fall into place. There are ups and downs naturally. It’s never easy…”, he explained. “I’m an orphan, I have no one left. All the people who built my life, who made me what I became, are all gone. It takes time to get used to all that.” He also made it known that he would like the Douchy house to become “a museum”.

At the Lumière Festival, Vincent Lindon also gave a speech to pay tribute to Alain Delon, whom he considered his cinema godfather. “When I was at the Cannes Film Festival, I received a text from Alain Delon: ‘My darling, don’t worry about tonight, you’re in your place.’ I decided he was my godfather, even if he didn’t decide I was his godson.”
