The researcher was worried about Trump’s new kind of confusion – the presidential candidate canceled interviews | Homeland

The researcher was worried about Trumps new kind of confusion

Trump’s campaign team has denied claims of exhaustion. According to a Finnish researcher, Trump’s communication has become increasingly confused.

Politico magazine reported over the weekendthat the US Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump has canceled at least three interviews due to exhaustion.

A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign brushed off claims of exhaustion.

Docent of North American Studies at the University of Helsinki, who visited ‘s morning broadcasts Rani-Henrik Andersson finds claims of Trump exhaustion embarrassing.

– Trump wants to present himself as a strong leader. If it starts to look like he is not capable of his job, it might even affect the outcome of the election.

However, he points out that so far it’s only a matter of rumours, and no big conclusions can be drawn from the slight fatigue of recent performances.

Researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute Maria Lindén says that Trump seems to be finding it increasingly difficult to stay on track. Lindén points out that Trump’s failure to answer questions in itself is nothing new. Now it’s about a new kind of confusion.

– He might start with some topic and then suddenly start talking about, for example, which would be scarier: the fact that a shark would attack him or the fact that he would get an electric shock. Such moments arouse concern.

Trump has refused several interviews and, among other things, a re-debate against the Democratic candidate Horrible Harris with. Lindén believes this will give Harris’ campaign more weapons.

– They are starting to paint a picture of Trump as too old, one whose mental sharpness cannot be trusted at least four years from now.

“Trump is preparing for election fraud”

In connection with the previous two US presidential elections, the attempts of foreign powers, especially Russia, to influence the outcome of the elections have been widely discussed. Even now, the US administration is trying to frame Russian parties that might influence the elections with the power of tips.

Both Lindén and Andersson still agree that the biggest threat to the freedom and integrity of the US presidential election is Donald Trump and his campaign. Maria Lindén’s design leaves no room for interpretation:

– Trump and his campaign are preparing to commit electoral fraud in this election.

Rani-Henrik Andersson reminds that Trump has already named democratic politicians, whom he calls “internal enemies”. According to Andersson, influence from abroad has not been ruled out either. In addition to Russia, Iran is under scrutiny.

– Regarding Iran, there has even been talk that it would try to assassinate Trump.

Maria Lindén points out that social media also contains the possibility of election interference. He mentions that Elon Musk, the owner of the messaging service X, has clearly chosen his side. The recommendation mechanisms of social media, which are popular with young people, also have their meaning.

– If Tiktok wanted to tamper with its algorithms, it could be a pretty effective way [vaikuttaa].
