Pay attention to these recommendations for heart health!

1649843677 Pay attention to these recommendations for heart health

Cardiology Specialist Dr. Hilal Kurtoğlu Gümüşel said, “Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death in the world and in our country. When evaluated for all age groups, one of every two deaths is due to cardiovascular diseases. However, 80 percent of deaths from cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by giving up the wrong habits that invite heart diseases. Cardiology Specialist Dr. Hilal Kurtoğlu Gümüşel explained 9 faulty habits that negatively affect heart health, and made important warnings and suggestions.


Sleeping less than seven to eight hours a day causes body stress and triggers heart diseases. It has been shown that the risk of diabetes, hypertension and obesity increases in people who routinely sleep four, five, six hours. There is also evidence that sleep deprivation can cause low-grade inflammation.


Scientific studies; showed that untreated gum disease can initiate coronary artery disease by causing dysfunction in the inner layer of blood vessels. In addition, especially in patients who develop heart rheumatism due to beta hemolytic strepcoccal infection, which is common in our country in childhood, gum disease that develops in the following years can also increase the risk of new infections in the heart valves that can lead to life-threatening if not treated correctly.

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The World Health Organization recommends consuming a maximum of 5 grams of salt per day, that is, 1 teaspoon of salt. However, salt consumption in our country is well above this amount. Known to increase blood pressure, sodium is a key ingredient in many unhealthy processed foods. Processed foods containing sodium; chips, pickled foods (olives, cheese, pickles), salty biscuits, crackers, preserves and bread. The higher your daily sodium intake, the more your health is compromised.

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It is recommended to do 150 minutes of exercise a week to prevent heart diseases. In other words, 30 minutes of exercise should be done 5 days a week. However, it is recommended that people who are just starting to exercise start with a short and low tempo and increase to the recommended exercise time over time. Choosing a type of exercise that suits your personality can make your job easier.



Magnesium deficiency, palpitations, insomnia, feeling tired, headache, muscle cramps and ultimately high blood pressure can trigger diabetes and lead to cardiovascular disease. For this reason, it is very important to include dark green leafy vegetables containing plenty of magnesium such as chard, spinach, broccoli, nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, and legumes in our diet.


The increase in the amount of dietary fat is directly proportional to the increase in the level of fat in the blood. Excessive consumption of saturated fats increases cardiovascular diseases. Saturated fats; They are fats that are solid at room temperature and have a high saturated fat content. Products containing the highest amount of saturated fats; processed meat products such as salami, sausage, burgers, fried foods, cakes, biscuits, butter, hard cheeses, creams, poultry such as chicken with skin and fatty meats. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful when consuming these foods.


Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital Cardiology Specialist Dr. Hilal Kurtoğlu Gümüşel talks about the effects of stress, which is indispensable in daily life, on heart health: “When a person is under stress, a hormone called adrenaline is secreted, which temporarily accelerates the heartbeat and breathing. While low level stress is the driving force of life, being constantly exposed to increased stress level; It causes the heart to work fast, the heart has difficulty in pumping blood, the blood pressure rises, the vessels feeding the heart shrink and the cholesterol level in the blood rises. When you feel extremely tired or stressed, you should do things that will do you good and raise your morale. Sometimes the easiest way to deal with stress can be as simple as just smiling. For example; call a friend and talk about fun or go for a walk outdoors. Entertain yourself by starting a funny book. In short, try to get away from your current situation and move into another mood.”

consuming carbonated and sugary drinks

Excess sodium contained in carbonated drinks can cause blood pressure to go out of control, causing it to rise too high, especially in high blood pressure patients. Again, excessive consumption of beverages containing high sugar can increase heart diseases by causing insulin resistance.


Dr. Hilal Kurtoğlu Gümüşel, “Smoking is one of the main factors in the formation of heart diseases. The risk of heart disease in smokers is 2-5 times higher than in non-smokers. Smoking for many years reduces lifespan by an average of 10-12 years. However, it’s never too late to quit smoking. According to studies, the risk of having a heart attack drops in half within 3 years after quitting smoking, and at the end of 6 years it drops to the level of non-smokers. Therefore, the best time to quit smoking is now!” says.
