PFAS in almost all drinking water sources in Sweden

Major survey reveals the numbers • The toxic chemicals can cause cancer

The vast majority of drinking water sources in Sweden are affected by the toxic chemicals PFAS.
This is shown by a survey carried out by the Nature Conservation Society. In one tenth of the samples, the levels are above the upcoming limit value.
– A very serious problem, says the Nature Conservation Association’s general secretary Karin Lexén.

The Nature Conservation Society has taken samples in 63 drinking water sources. Seven of the samples end up above the limit value for PFAS that will apply from 2026.

– We know that PFAS can increase the risk of cancer, that it affects the immune system and that it contributes to problems with fertility, says Karin Lexén.

Carbon filters do not remove everything

Some chemicals cannot be cleaned out – the PFAS compound TFA is found almost everywhere.
In some places carbon filters are now being installed to purify the water.
But some PFAS compounds are too small to be able to get stuck in the filter, for example the compound TFA. It found the Nature Conservation Society in all but five water sources.

– We see that TFA increases in nature. We already know today that it is harmful to microorganisms. And there are great reasons to suspect that it is also dangerous for our own health, says Karin Lexén and continues:
– This shows that PFAS must be banned as a group. We cannot continue to take one subject at a time.
