Having three penises may be more common than previously thought

Being born with two penises is unusual, it happens one in six million. But a baby being born with three penises has only happened 100 times in the last 400 years. The condition, called triphallia, is considered to be extremely rare. The last time it was found was in 2020, in an Iraqi baby.

Now British medical students have found a case where an adult man had three penises, reports The Independent. The discovery was made when the students dissected the 78-year-old man’s body, which was donated for research purposes.

The suspicion: He didn’t know about it

Researchers at the University of Birmingham believe the man was unaware of his condition, as it was not visible on the outside of his body. Instead, the other two penises hid inside the scrotum.

One was connected to the same urethra that the penis the man knew he had.

There may be dark speech

Now the researchers believe that there may be a dark story, given that the man was unaware of his extra penises.

“Without dissection, the anatomical variation would have gone undetected, suggesting that the prevalence of polyphallia may be greater than expected,” the researchers said in a statement.

“Despite the normal appearance of external genitalia on examination, the dissection of a 78-year-old white man revealed a remarkable anatomical variation: Two small redundant penises.”
