Fashion secret: what you should never put in your bag to avoid damaging it

Fashion secret what you should never put in your bag

We often slip it mechanically into our handbag without thinking that it could damage it, as well as everything it contains. You have been warned.

Wallet, phone, makeup… If, like many, your handbag is like Ali Baba’s cave, know that a very specific object must absolutely be excluded. Likely to cause irreversible damage to the inside of your precious accessory, it is better to be warned. While it is often tempting to cram as many objects as possible into your handbag without thinking, this habit can actually cause stains, unpleasant odors or other damage to the material of the bag itself. Indeed, generally made from delicate materials such as leather, suede or fabric, the latter require special maintenance and can be very sensitive to certain reactions.

First of all, avoid putting loose makeup in your bag: a badly closed lipstick or loose powder can be a disaster. Make sure to store all your beauty products in a suitable bag, and your fashion accessory will wear better. When it comes to food, same credo. Goodbye to the crushed cereal bar on the liner, get an airtight box to transport your food. A hairbrush can also create some surprises, especially if it has sharp edges. You might end up with holes or scratches. Prefer small foldable brushes, designed to be transported without risking damage to your belongings.

Besides these everyday objects, another item is even more damaging: your umbrella. Once wet, this accessory tends to let moisture seep into the bag, causing considerable damage, especially on leather or suede bags. These delicate, porous materials absorb water and humidity. Additionally, it can lead to mold growth, leaving unsightly green or black marks and a lingering odor. Once mold sets in, it is almost impossible to get the bag back to its original appearance. Not to mention electronic items, like your phone, can also be damaged by moisture. In short, you can imagine the disaster!

So what do you do when you’re caught in the rain and don’t know where to store your umbrella? The best option is to bring a small plastic bag. Store your umbrella there before putting it in your handbag. This way, water and humidity will remain contained and will not damage your fashion accessory.
