Fall-winter virus: the mask often neglected, even with symptoms

Fall winter virus the mask often neglected even with symptoms

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    As the seasonal respiratory virus season approaches, the mask is still not a widespread reflex, with more than four in ten French people saying they never wear one even if they have symptoms, according to a study published Tuesday by Public Health France.

    The low adoption of mask wearing is confirmed again this year, in all circumstances“, notes the health agency in view of the last wave (August 30-September 9) of its Coviprev surveys, implemented since 2020.

    If 29% of respondents said they wear a mask often or systematically in the event of symptoms, in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places, 43% said they never wear one in these situations, and 7% never wash their hands. hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel, according to the section on adherence to barrier gestures.

    We can only regret that in the event of symptoms, 43% of people say they never wear a mask“, declared the Director General of Public Health France Caroline Semaille during a press conference on Monday, insisting on “the systematic adoption of barrier gestures, particularly in the event of symptoms and in the presence of vulnerable people“.

    “Whatever the barrier gesture, the proportion of respondents declaring never respecting them was higher among men”, as well as “people in a situation of inactivity”, “unfavorable to vaccination in general”, “declaring not to being at risk of a severe form of Covid-19″, “residing in a rural area”, notes the investigation.

    As in 2023, for more than half of the respondents, the intentions to maintain or accentuate barrier gestures are “mainly motivated” by the return of a new Covid-19 epidemic, but this year “the desire not to not to be sick or not to contaminate those close to you is progressing.

    This publication coincides with the start of a double vaccination campaign against influenza and against Covid.

    The two vaccines are particularly recommended for French people most at risk of serious forms: 65 years and over, pregnant women, nursing home residents, caregivers, entourage of vulnerable people, etc.

    A little more than half of people eligible for a new anti-Covid dose, and a similar proportion for the flu, plan to be vaccinated this season, according to the survey.

    Conversely, 23% of respondents at risk of serious forms said they did not want either vaccine, as many as last year.
