This bill will soon cost more, it concerns millions of French people

This bill will soon cost more it concerns millions of

The sharp increase in a tax is in question.

Back to school and savings rarely rhyme. The waltz of bad financial news continues and the French wallets will once again be hit hard by a discreet increase which will cost all households more, within a few weeks. An increase which will even be “stronger than those in previous years, which were already high from one year to the next.”

No one will be able to escape this surge since it is an increase in a tax, decided by the State, and which must necessarily be paid by 46 million households each year. The bill promises to be hefty and it will arrive very soon.


Every year, owners and tenants must pay insurance for their homes. Although this protection is not obligatory for property owners, it is strongly recommended in order to finance repairs at lower (or even free) cost. For all tenants, on the other hand, it is essential.

This represents a cost: €191 on average, according to Les Furets, an insurance comparator. This varies whether the person is an owner (272€ on average), renting empty (165€) or renting furnished (165€). Significant differences are also observed if it is a house or an apartment. Geographic location also plays a role.

But be careful: from 1er January 2025, the price of home insurance will soar: +10 to 12% on the bill, confirm Les Furets at The Internet user. “We are already observing this trend since, on our cheapest offers, the increases over one year are of the order of 13%,” explains Cédric Ménager, general director of the comparator.

This increase is directly linked to a change in the law. At the end of 2023, the government decided that the “Natural Disasters” surcharge would represent, from 2025, 20% of the total amount of the note, compared to 12% until now. This tax is used to finance a fund which compensates victims after floods, droughts, avalanches, earthquakes or others… Faced with the multiplication of climatic hazards, the State has therefore decided to increase this financial well.

Concretely, for insurance that cost 300 euros in 2024, the amount of the additional premium was 36 euros. At 1er January, it will climb around 55 euros.

But that’s not all. The basic price of insurance, not including the additional premium, will also increase. “There has been a lot of inflation on the cost of repairs (materials, paint, suppliers, etc.). This has not been fully passed on over the last two years because there was pressure from the government not to increase the prices of repairs. insurance in times of inflation, insurers will now also pass on these costs, which they had not been able to do until now,” explains Cédric Ménager.

On average, the bill will therefore increase by a few dozen euros. “We pay more to continue to be covered and there is not necessarily any change in the deductibles,” he explains. However, the check will be even harder to sign in a few months.
