vaccination of children “desirable” but not compulsory

vaccination of children desirable but not compulsory

In this interview broadcast by TF1 and LCI, the French president ruled this Wednesday, December 15 that the vaccination of children against Covid-19 was ” desirable », But without obligation. However, he ruled ” possible “In the long term, a vaccination obligation for all, although the health pass is already” almost a vaccine obligation ” to his eyes.

This pre-recorded interview, and finally broadcast this Wednesday by the TF1 and LCI television channels, was devoted to in defense of the results of the five-year term Emmanuel Macron, as he begins his last six months of mandate at the Elysee.

The president recalled that more than nine out of ten French people eligible for anti-Covid-19 vaccination had already been able to benefit from a complete vaccination schedule.

Between 5 and 11 years old, health authorities explained that this would protect, he also declared, and so i think it is desirable “. Corn ” afterwards, it’s the parents’ choice “.

The childrenrarely have severe forms even though in recent weeks we have had dozens of cases of children, sometimes young, who are in hospital with severe forms “, He explained. ” So today we have not put any obligation ” for kids.

Asked about the hypothesis of a vaccine obligation in the long term, for all, as for tetanus, he judged it ” quite possible “, Even if he has not mentioned a decision in this direction for the moment. The sanitary pass, ” almost a vaccine obligation », He recalls. ” We’re almost there “, He repeated,” when more than 90% of those who needed to be vaccinated got vaccinated “.

We will look pragmatically in the coming weeks », He declared, without further details.

Read also : Macron on TF1, too much media space for a campaigning president?

It is likely that we will go towards regular reminders “, Continued the French head of state, citing as an example the annual influenza vaccine – which is not mandatory. Influenza ” each year comes back with a slightly different form, you must be revaccinated to have good protection “. ” It is likely that we are going towards that for this virus “, He insisted.

Many of our compatriots are tired of this situation “, He admitted,” I am like you “. But he defended himself to have established because of the epidemic a ” permanent control company “, And preferred to speak of a” vigilance society “Or” responsibility “.

The pass will remain provisional, he also assured: ” It’s obvious since I don’t think we’ll go forever with this virus “. He finally called the ” more than 5 million of our fellow citizens who are not vaccinated with responsibility because they are not protected “, he said.

Defense of its balance sheet

In this interview, the Head of State also wanted to defend his record. Accused from the start of his mandate of being too arrogant, he recognized formulas that could have hurt, but denied being the ” president of the rich. Emmanuel Macron worked to deconstruct his image and add a part of humanity to it, regretting having ” hurt “People with his little phrases, grateful in an effort of humility” that we do nothing move if we are not steeped in respect “.

Emmanuel Macron claims not to be “the president of the rich”

Emmanuel Macron also spoke of two main crises he went through during his five-year term: the movement of yellow vests, and the Covid-19 epidemic. In this regard, he reiterated two principles which, according to him, have been forgotten: the rejection of violence in politics and the legitimacy of certain words.

“All words are not the same”, insists Emmanuel Macron

