Awakening: Report on Security Policy released today North Korea increased missile tests

Awakening Report on Security Policy released today North Korea increased

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The government will publish a report on security policy – an assessment of the benefits and risks of NATO membership is forthcoming

The government’s 30-page current report on the changed security policy situation will be published in the afternoon. The report describes the change in Finland’s environment after Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February. The report does not take a position on Finland’s possible NATO membership, but describes the pros and cons of Finland’s various options.

Biden called the war in Ukraine a genocide

The President of the United States Joe Biden according to Russia’s actions in Ukraine appear to be genocide. Also in the past, Biden has appeared to be referring to the Russian president Vladimir Putin perpetrator of the genocide in Ukraine.

President Biden’s administration is also preparing a new package of military support for Ukraine, news agencies Reuters and AP report. According to sources in the offices, the package is worth $ 750 million, or about $ 700 million. follows the situation in the Ukrainian war in this article.

North Korea is conducting missile tests at an accelerating pace, which are almost invariably successful

North Korea’s missile tests have developed alarmingly and intimidation towards neighboring countries has increased, the researcher estimates. At the same time, the political climate on the Korean peninsula has intensified. The United States has said in recent weeks that North Korea may test its nuclear weapons in mid-April.

The price of the basket did not rise in a month

again performed a price comparison a month ago in three stores in Finland, Sweden and Norway. According to a brief comparison, the food basket has not become more expensive during the month. Again, the cheapest basket was in Finland and the most expensive in Norway. Finland’s cheaper prices attract customers, especially to the shops on the border with Norway, which have suffered the most from Korona-era travel restrictions.

The rainy weather continues

The weather continues to be mostly rainy and largely clear. At night, the temperature drops to half the frost all over the country, but the daytime temperature rises to +10 degrees in the south and above +5 degrees in many places in the north. During Wednesday evening, the weather is cloudy and at night it rains in Finland from the west.
