He wins Chef of the Year 2024

The final in the SM in professional cooking was decided in the Annexet in Stockholm on Thursday. It was then clear that Michael Andersson will take home the victory as chef of the year in 2024.

– I am so sick shocked, but also so sick happy. I almost can’t believe it! I just feel fantastic right now, says Michael Andersson, winner of the SM in professional cooking and Chef of the Year 2024.

In total, the six finalists competed in three final stages during the day, which together with a method assessment finally decided who took home the title of Chef of the Year 2024.

Michael Andersson wins Chef of the Year 2024

Michael Andersson wins Chef of the Year 2024

Photo: Samuel Uneus.

Competed with “limited climate budget”

In the first final task, which was presented the day before the final took place, the finalists were tasked with cooking a seafood dish with blue mussels and another fish of their choice, with any Swedish ingredients from a pantry – and a limited climate budget.

– The competition moments this year were really a challenge in consciously balancing the smart cooking of the future but still handling our traditions and bringing them into the future in a new way, says Viktor Westerlind, competition leader.

The second task of the day was to prepare a vegetarian dish with the theme “season meets season”, where three preserved ingredients from the period June-August would be used, in combination with ingredients that are in season in October. The finalists decided the main ingredient in the dish.

Photo: Samuel Uneus.

Final moments with classic cabbage dolmas

The third and final final task was a tribute to the classic home cooking where the finalists had the task of cooking a free, creative and modern interpretation of Tore Wretman’s great favourite, cabbage dolmar, where they themselves had to choose the main ingredient.

– There has been a very high quality throughout the competition, with good-looking and good food and interesting information. The finalists have really tackled the tasks in a very good way all of them. The winner was just a little better than the others, but it was an even level across the board. It has been a very well-executed competition in every way, says Jonas Dahlbom, chairman of the jury for Chef of the Year.

Michael Andersson was very successful with his dishes and was the final winner in the Chef of the Year 2024 competition. When the points were counted, he was awarded 776 points.

HRH Prince Carl Philip sits on the competition’s honorary jury, who is also patron of the Chef of the Year.

HRH Prince Carl Philip sits on the competition’s honorary jury, who is also patron of the Chef of the Year.

Photo: Samuel Uneus.

At the award ceremony at the Annex, Michael Andersson received the Gastronomic Academy’s dairy medal in gold from HRH Prince Carl Philip, patron of Chef of the Year, as well as a prize check for SEK 250,000. Also present on stage was Jonas Dahlbom, Chef of the Year 1996 and chairman of the jury.

In second place came Tobias Arndt, and in third place came Lars Niklasson. Both were awarded 678 points, but Tobias received higher taste points, which decided.

The entire Chef of the Year was shown in Seven and on TV4 Play

Tareq Taylor and Jessie Sommarström in Chef of the Year 2024.

Tareq Taylor and Jessie Sommarström in Chef of the Year 2024.

Photo: Samuel Uneus.

About Michael Andersson

Michael Andersson, 36 years old, lives in Stockholm and works as head chef at Restaurant Celeste, which was recently awarded a star in the Michelin guide. He shares the chef role at Celeste with Ludwig Tjörnemo, winner of Chef of the Year 2020. Michael also runs his own company Petit Gastronomy. As a debutant in the SM in professional cooking, Michael impressed by getting the highest score already in the semi-finals. With a total of 776 points in the final, he can now title himself Chef of the Year and Swedish champion in professional cooking in 2024.
