the disturbing evolution of “chemsex” over the past fifteen years – L’Express

the disturbing evolution of chemsex over the past fifteen years

Sex, multiple partners, traditional drugs (cocaine, ketamine, GHB) and new synthetic products (3MMC, GBL). These are the ingredients of chemsex, a practice that appeared in the early 2000s and which has since developed mainly in the homosexual male community, 15% of whom practice it. Raising curiosity and concerns, chemsex is monitored and documented by health professionals and sociologists.

The new study of the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT)published this Thursday, October 17, should be of particular interest to them. It should also prove to be a valuable resource of information for “chemsexers” themselves on the risks of this practice, particularly the youngest and least experienced. The document, which provides a complete assessment of the evolution of chemsex over the last 15 years, was eagerly awaited. The latest work by the OFDT on the subject dates back to 2017. It should also shed new light on these practices, while the trial of Pierre Palmade, tried for the road accident he caused in 2023 in Seine-et-Marne, is planned from November 20. The actor and comedian was arrested with a large quantity of cocaine and 3MMC, reinforcing the negative image of chemsex.

Young people, old people, executives, workers and students

“Our work is based on the Trend devicewhich collects data in a qualitative manner thanks to detailed interviews between several dozen users and OFDT stakeholders, extracts of which are available”, indicates Clément Gérome, doctor in sociology and co-author of this summary note. However, this work does not present statistics or precise figures. However, the authors are still able to point out several important developments in chemsex.

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This practice seems to have gained visibility over the last fifteen years, suggesting an increase in its popularity among very varied profiles. “There is a great heterogeneity of ‘chemsexers’, whether by age, socio-cultural status – there are executives, workers, students – but also in the approach to the experience”, continues Clément Gérome . The organization of evenings also seems to be changing. If they still take place in establishments with backroom or sauna, the use of apartments has developed in parallel with the rise of social networks, and even more so since the confinements linked to Covid-19. “We observe this phenomenon especially outside Paris, where establishments of this type are fewer,” explains the researcher.

“Slam”, a chic word for “injection”

But the major development concerns the drugs used. Since 2010, GBL and 3M™ have gradually established themselves as essentials. The first is a molecule which, once assimilated by the body, is similar to GHB. It can be bought by the liter at a low price and is not prohibited, unlike GHB. Its effects range from euphoria to relaxation, loss of inhibition and intensification of perceptions. Its dosage must be precise to the milliliter in order to avoid overdoses, which can lead to loss of consciousness or even comas or, more rarely, to death.

3M™ is one of the cathinones, which belong to the family of new synthetic products (NPS), substances which imitate the effects of traditional drugs by taking their molecular structure, but modifying it slightly in order to circumvent the law on narcotics. Cathinones are a family of stimulant and entactogenic drugs (which promote the desire to socialize, empathy, emotional openness and libido). They can be consumed orally, nasally or anally. Although cathinones have been banned in France since 2012, 3MMC was banned in the Netherlands only at the end of 2021, which favored its importation via Dutch websites. “After this date, many suppliers closed, but others continued by replacing 3MMC with 3CMC or other cathinones, without necessarily indicating it,” explains Clément Gérome. Opinions differ on these new molecules. But some users report shorter and less powerful effects of 3CMC, which is also more corrosive to the veins and nasal septums, causing faster and greater damage.

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A practice called “slam” which consists of associating sex and drug injections also seems to be on the rise, according to the OFDT. In any case, it seems less and less viewed negatively, whereas the syringe was traditionally associated with heroin addicts and social decline. “There is also an issue of social distinction which involves vocabulary: we do not say injecting ourselves but slamming in order to distinguish ourselves from the drug addict,” underlines the sociologist. “For me, slam was just another way of consuming a product that I already consumed, that I knew, a different way of doing things, it had absolutely nothing to do with guys who shoot themselves on cam”, testifies a user with the OFDT.

Chemsex by videoconference: the bell rings, everyone slams

Ketamine and NPS mimicking the effects of ketamine also appear to be gaining interest. “We have the impression that there has been an increase in its use since 2021,” confirms Clément Gérome. If the report does not state it directly, it is not impossible that the problems encountered with 3M™ caused a shift to ketamine. “We spoke with slamers who stopped cathinone injections and now reserve them for ketamine,” adds the researcher. This increase in popularity could, more prosaically, be linked to the increase in ketamine consumption observed in all festive circles in France.

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The OFDT note also highlights the emergence of remote chemsex, through screens via Zoom or Skype, in pairs or in groups. Observed since 2015, the practice has grown during periods of confinement and has gradually become less taboo. “For example, we noticed that remote chemsex is more often mentioned in advertisements for dating sites,” explains the co-author. Some sites even include standard functions slamtime, with a bell ringing so that each participant wishing to slam does so at the same time. A video practice which can reinforce the risks linked to solitary drug use, particularly in the event of an overdose.

Reinforced vigilance

More generally, the OFDT emphasizes in its analysis other risks linked to chemsex: increase in sexually transmitted infections, but also development of addictions. The note also mentions the existence of economic-sexual exchanges, in particular with certain young people in precarious situations who negotiate their participation in chemsex sessions in return for money or access to psychoactive substances. “The OFDT coordinator in Lyon collected testimonies from young chemsexers who were more likely to go to parties organized in apartments in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon [NDLR : réputé le plus aisé]”, reports Clément Gérome.

Concerns also concern the availability of NPS. If the supply was still confidential 10 years ago (little-known sites, darknet), the offer has developed. The Internet remains the preferred vector of access for most products, but there is a diversification of reseller profiles and a sophistication of sales strategies on platforms, online dating applications, social networks and messaging services such as WhatsApp or Telegram. , with even in-person home deliveries. Although this trafficking remains incommensurate with that of traditional drugs, organized crime networks are starting to sell certain NPS, including cathinones, sometimes of dubious origin or composition.

The authors of the OFDT still propose some possible risk reduction strategies. “We observe that addiction specialists are familiar with products, but not necessarily sexual practices, and vice versa with sexual health specialists: there is a need to strengthen training and cooperation between different professionals and users”, assures Clément Gérome. This report should help.
