Chloé Jouannet, this beautiful skin secret that she shares with her mother Alexandra Lamy is within everyone’s reach

Chloe Jouannet this beautiful skin secret that she shares with

A true beautysta, Chloé Jouannet does not hide her love for this product which gives her a glowing healthy glow.

This Thursday, October 17, Chloé Jouannet celebrates her 27the birthday and it hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice: she displays perfect, glowing skin wherever she is. Interviewed a few years ago by the magazine She on her daily skincare routine, the daughter of Alexandra Lamy and Thomas Jouannet had revealed some of her beauty secrets for having impeccable skin. And among the products mentioned by the young actress, the clay mask seemed to be her favorite for a long time. Once rinsed, she sprays a hydrating mist to prevent the skin from feeling tight.

And the pretty blonde doesn’t use just any clay mask since her favorite is neither more nor less than the Instant Détox from Caudalie’s Vinoclean range, which she applies twice a week. “It gives a nice glow to my skin, it works very well for me “, she explains in the video.

The product formula? Pink clay which combines good actions, coffee extract and organic grape marc. It thus helps to cleanse the skin of all its impurities, eliminate excess sebum and tighten pores. Its application on the skin provides a fresh, clear and radiant complexion.

An essential step in her beauty routine, but also that of her mother who seems, like Chloé Jouannet, to have set her sights on the clay mask to take care of her skin. Indeed, in an Instagram publication dating from 2018, the two women, aged 27 and 53 respectively, showed their faces entirely covered in gray paste, captioning “Like mother, like mask”.
