“Parcours de l’eau” by Arsène Mpiana, an exhibition on the memories of the Congo River

Parcours de leau by Arsene Mpiana an exhibition on the

In Kinshasa, the Academy of Fine Arts is hosting the exhibition “ Water route », produced by photographer Arsène Mpiana, who has collaborated with numerous media, including AFP. Open from October 12 to 26, this exhibition is intended to be both a documentary on navigation conditions on the Congo River, regularly marked by shipwrecks, and an exploration of the myths and beliefs surrounding the crocodile.

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With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Aurélie Bazzara-Kibangula

Immerse yourself in the pictures by Arsène Mpiana, it is traveling on the Congo River and following the thread of a history family, starting point of the photographer’s exhibition. “ We come from a family of fishermen and traders. Water is our element, and crocodiles represent the totem of our families “, he explains. “ It was a word-of-mouth story, never documented. Telling these stories proved difficult, as I talked about the village residents and the people who died. This is how I explored the family archives, particularly those of my father. »

It was these same archives that pushed him to take the boat, with Kinshasa as his starting point and his destination the village of Lukoulela. “ It was catastrophic, all the money planned was used up due to unforeseen circumstances. We passed many boats, some made of wood », shares the photographer, before adding: “ But I also came across a wrecked boat. »

Also readDRC: the dangers of crossing the Congo River by canoe in Kisangani

Insecurity on the waterways

This seven-day journey, illustrated by around thirty photos, documents this tedious journey: in DRCshipwrecks are frequent there, often due to overloaded or poorly maintained boats, despite the regulations in force. THE last October 3a shipwreck on Lake Kivu left at least 33 victims, according to the latest report from local civil protection.

Listen to Daniel Lwaboshi Mulumeoderwha, director of the Régie des Voies Fluviales, address these security issues.

We ensure the maintenance and development of waterways. After each marking campaign, we send a notice to sailors, accompanied by a navigation album. Unfortunately, some sailors violate regulations, particularly regarding boat tonnage. This often leads to drama that we all regret.

Daniel Lwaboshi Mulumeoderwha, director of the Riverways Authority

Aurélie Bazzara

With ” Course on the water “, what is certain is that Arsène Mpiana works to document and leave a trace to build a family and collective memory.

Also readThirty years of conflict in eastern DRC seen by African photographers
